
Which is better?? cyberschooling OR regular correspondence schooling???

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which do you think is better?? why?

any reccomendations, im in canada, 15 grade 10





  1. Regular school should be better.  For education, both types of schooling are the same, but with regular schooling, you learn a lot more about social interactions and confidence-building, certain skills necessary for future success.

  2. I took cyberschool in high school and correspondence for college classes, and it's all a matter of personal choice. It depends on what you feel more comfortable with taking. They both have the same significance and deliver the same educational goals. So it's totally up to you with how you'd like to do your education.

    For cyber school I took the harder classes, such as chemisty, physics, biology, and a math class. I liked them through cyber school because they were easier to follow and I didn't have a teacher around to confuse me all the time. I liked the fact that I could work at my own pace and on my own time.

    You have to have a real interest and commitment when you are taking classes through any type of correspondence though. It's easy to get side tracked, especially if you have a busy lifestyle.

    Hope this helps, good luck and have fun!

  3. cyber you are able to communicate one on one withthe teaxher witohut classroom discussions...i take on line courses at

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