
Which is better fake tree or real tree for the enviornment?

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i mean christmas trees for Christmas w hich one is better for the envorinment?




  1. How can all you idiots say a real tree is better for christmas... think about how many trees must  be cut down for people to have them in their homes!  the best option is to plant a tree in your yard and decorate that.  I can't believe how dumb some of these answers are! argghh!

  2. If you buy a fake tree and reuse (can we say RECYCLE) it year after year, scarce resources are expended only one time.

    If you cut down a tree its carbon is released back into the atmosphere and takes a few years to get reabsorbed into the next tree.  If you buy a live tree and move it back and forth you probably endanger its well being.

  3. Well of course a real tree for christmas and in general. The reason is because you could breath better, trees provide oxygen which we breath . So ya.

  4. It seriously doesn't matter, but I just feel like contradicting people. When plants decay, they release HUGE amounts of CO2. Rotting plant matter is a big factor in CO2 rise, although not to global warming. *ha...ha...*

    Just get whatever suite's your fancy. I personally like the real trees.

  5. Neither.  With a fake (plastic) tree you've wasted oil making the plastic.  It should be obvious why cutting down a real tree is no good.  If you insist on this tradition (which has nothing to do with the birth of Yahweh) just decorate one of your living trees outdoors.

  6. *   Trees renew our air supply by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen.

        * The amount of oxygen produced by an acre of trees per year equals the amount consumed by 18 people annually. One tree produces nearly 260 pounds of oxygen each year.

        * One acre of trees removes up to 2.6 tons of carbon dioxide each year.

        * Shade trees can make buildings up to 20 degrees cooler in the summer.

        * Trees lower air temperature by evaporating water in their leaves.

        * Tree roots stabilize soil and prevent erosion.

        * Trees improve water quality by slowing and filtering rain water, as well as protecting aquifers and watersheds.

        * The cottonwood tree seed is the seed that stays in flight the longest. The tiny seed is surrounded by ultra-light, white fluff hairs that can carry it on the air for several days.

  7. I'd say a fake tree. We put up the same one every year...think of all the trees that saves!!

  8. Thats like paper or plastic iin the stores. I use artificial tree. And it is a 40 year old aluminum tree. But I am thinking of a living tree this year so I can plant it. I hear arguments though that artificail trees are made of PVC  and real trees are farmed so it isn't like you are going to kill a forest if your buy one. But the real trees are a fire hazard, dirty and can leave pests in your home. So I feel it is a matter of personal taste.

  9. A real tree is better.

  10. I have a fake tree at home and it works great.  it saves me money and it reduces all the trees we cut down that we need "just for christmas" blah blah blah save the trees for jerks who could care less about our dying planet.

  11. My mother had a really good solution for the Christmas tree dilemma.  She had a small ceramic tree that had a light bulb inside.  It was painted like a decorated tree and all it took to set up was plugging it in.

    Actually, real Christmas trees are not that much better, or worse, than artificial.  They are farmed for the purpose so it isn't like they are clear cutting a forest for trees.  Artificial trees can be used for years and years.  My MIL actually has the same one from the early 70's.  

    If you do decide to get a real tree, and cannot find or afford one that is potted, there are options for disposal.  You can rent a wood chipper and make your own landscaping mulch or you can contact you local State Parks Commission to see if they want them to sink into a lake as fish habitat.

  12. I think a fake tree....this can be re-used up to 20 years....... A  real tree is cut per  year,of course some are recycle later.....but I do prefered to seen them on the ground!

    Can you imagine how many Christmas trees we cut down so far per family to celebrate  Christmas?

    A living tree on a pot ,or in your yard is the best enviromental source to spend Christmas !

  13. reel tree

  14. A real tree is definitely better.  A fake tree will just end up in a landfill when it breaks or is unwanted, not to mention the chemicals and fuel used in the process of making the tree.  A real tree will just decompose naturally.  And if it ends up in a landfill the natural decomposition of organic matter will actually HELP other non-organics in the heap with it to break down.

    You guys who are saying a fake tree is, you need to do a little more research.  What, do you think they are cutting trees out of the rain forest or something?  Christmas trees come from Christmas Tree Farms where they are grown for that purpose, and a new one is grown in place of each tree that is cut down every year.  Using a real tree has virtually no environmental impact because it's a renewable resource.  Boycotting real trees is like boycotting lettuce.

  15. we cut thousands of trees every year to have them all end up in the landfill.  I wish everyone had to buy the fake tree's or a tree that is bagged to be planted after use.

  16. a real tree. they replant them, and the fake ones just go to waste.

  17. Buy a real tree in a pot!  Then, plant it after the Holidays.  If you buy a fake Chinese tree, you are supporting child and slave labor in communist China...there you go!   What ever you do, be safe and do not blow up your house with dangerous Chinese Holiday lights.  Thank you.

  18. A living tree is better for the environment, so don't cut it down; buy a a fake tree.

  19. is there a fake tree? i don't know that, seriously. a real tree is more better because it releases oxygen to us the natural way...

  20. i would say a real tree

  21. it's not that big of a difference... get whichever makes you happy.

    seriously. i could go on for a long time, but other people have already started to. just get whichever you want.

  22. A real tree grows and releases oxygen which we breath. It gives the birds a place to built a nest and also drops its ripe pine cones on the ground as food for animals and as seeds for future trees.It freshens and sweetens the air around us. After the tree has been used in your home for a christmas decoration it can be returned to nature. As it decomposes it adds nutrients back into the ground and helps feed the seedlings that came out of the pine cone. And a new tree is in the making.. the perfect recyling system.

    An artificial tree begins its life in a factory with chemicals that many times are harmful to humans unless they wear protective clothing. The factory emits some of these chemicals into the air we breath and the water we drink. When you bring the artifical tree into your home it still emits tiny bits of chemicals into the air you breath. In a few  years you put your artificial tree into the trash where it ends up in a land fill. It still may be emitting small amounts of chemicals into the earth that seep into our water and air supply.   You decide which is better for the enviroment.. something that mother earth made and recycles or something that is man made. and here's a thought... we all emit co2 when we exhale .. think about it.

  23. I say fake tree because the real christmas trees kind of smell. Like wet.

  24. ru ******* serious?

    of course a real tree

    it recycles the air

    a fake tree is jus going to end up in some

    landfill rotting into our soil with its chemicals

    used to make it

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