
Which is better for 2 Gerbils Aspen Wood Chips or Carefresh?

by Guest66955  |  earlier

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in a 10 gallon tank which is better




  1. One answer stated they use pine. Pine and cedar are the wood beddings you CANNOT use as these do cause issues with respiratory tracts and livers.  Aspen is the only safe wood bedding for small animals. Cotton fluff is dangerous and should not be used with gerbils.

    That being said, carefresh is my preference when it comes to gerbils.  They enjoy ripping apart the different pieces and making nests out of it.  It not only keeps them busy for the week you have the bedding in there, but it provides nice soft bedding for the gerbil.  Aspen is fine to use as well, but it can be a problem if you yourself are allergic to any kind of wood.  The smell is also a bit strong and some owners do not like it.  Carefresh can be dusty and some small animals sneeze while on it.  This was the case with my rats, but my gerbils quite enjoy it.

    All bedding should be freezed prior to using and thawed to room temp before putting it into the cage.  This is to keep any mites that get into the bedding, which believe it or not is a fairly common occurrence, from infesting your kiddos.

    EDIT: A ten gallon is small for two gerbils.  Does it have a tank topper on it with more levels? If not, I highly recommend getting them a 20 gallon for more space.  Gerbils need more ventilation and room than a single 10 gallon tank can give.  Also, frequent cage cleanings are a must with such a small tank.  I would stick to about 3-4 days for a total clean in such a confined area as the ammonia build up without the ventilation can be a hazard.  

    Good luck!

  2. carefresh is the best when i first got my hamster i had aspen and he would not stop sneezing so i took him to the vet and then she said to get carefresh cause the wood would hurt his lungs and that could leave to a shorter life span and a low and painful death so you are better off getting carefresh

  3. you should have asked this question in the LGBt section of Y/A because them homos are into geriling and they could tell you more than you wanted to know

  4. use the pine shavings. its better for there upper respiratory system... no only that but look for the pine shavings. it has no I suggest  you see if carefresh has any perfumes or dyes before you use it.. i do highly recommend the whitish shavings.... because then you won't worry its not harmful at all

  5. I, personally, prefer aspen shavings. It holds up tunnels well, masks odors well, and is absorbent. It also looks great. I, normally, use aspen for my gerbils. They didn't have any at both stores I went to, so this time, I had to use carefresh ultra because I sure wasn't going to use pine or cedar on them. It can cause respiratory problems. Both carefresh and aspen are fine, though. It's really up to you.

    Also, I do not recommend cotton fluff or anything that is like cotton. The fibers can wrap around limbs. If ingested, it could cause a blockage. There are people who give it to their gerbils, hamsters, etc. without a problem. I, personally, wouldn't risk it with my own gerbils, so I don't recommend to other people.

  6. Either is ok, and i've used both. Aspen is better for burrowing, but carefresh comes in many colors. I prefer aspen but it's up to you!

  7. what i did with my gerbil was i used carefresh and put regular cotton fluff (the kind u use to stuff stuffed animals with and pillows and stuff like that) and the gerbil would mix that and the carefresh together and make the area where he sleeps out of it..its comfortable for the gerbil

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