
Which is better for Fruit Cake, Sherry or Brandy?

by  |  earlier

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Nothing like a nice slice of cake with a good Pot of Tea, China set and Silver. The cup of course, warmed a little and the little finger delicately held aloft like a proud little Soldier.

You can imagine my delight, as myself and my Dear Lady Wife was invited to judge the Famous Cake Festival, which was to take place in a "Exclusive" Marque. This being naturally an event just for the respectable Ton as it were, and not for the Riff Raff. Not that I'm a Snob you understand and just to show Diplomacy and Tact, I bought a hundred packets of Tesco Value Sponge Rolls and placed them on a stall, in the nearby Car Park so they'll not be a problem.

Anyway, on the day, I was to stroll around the various Ladies and their fine Home Cooked Wares, and sample their Cakey Creations.

'Twas, a rare treat. Myself and Sybil were certainly in our element.

On top of all this there was a Home Made Wine stall to saunter over to.

It was only fair, I should sample these exquisite Beverages. And their fantastic Ultra British Flavors. Elderflower, Blackcurrant, Peach, Pears, Strawberries, Raspberries, Gooseberries. . . at this point my Wife stated we should really move on to the last Stall, as Mrs Gringham was pouting, drumming her fingers and scowling Like a Bulldog with a Wasp up it's Bum. "Just a 'mo my Dear," says I "Let me try one or two of the Vegetable Wines here, then we'll wrap up eh?"

Now, these wines. . made from humble Vegetables. . . knocked me for six. I wasn't expecting these to taste very nice at all! But By Jove they certainly did! Divine and unique. . . Turnips, Marrows, Carrots, Potatoes even, the list went on, all were splendid British Wines and all with a sturdy Clout to Boot! This much was apparent, as my Memory stops roundabout here. My wife had to Conduct the rest of the Cake Show Judging as I wandered off to climb a Massive Conker Tree, and proceeded to lob Spiky Conkers all over the Blasted Shop bouncing on a Branch screeching like an Ape and doing Tarzan impressions.

The Coup de Grace of my appalling behavior alas, was when the final Prize was handed to an ecstatic Mrs Bertram and as the curtain rose to reveal her breathtaking Baked creation in the form of her famous Sherry Flavored Fruit Cake, only for a startled crowd to see myself, pants around my ankles devouring it like a Big Monster, my face and Whiskers smothered in crumbs with a Wild Look on my face, I snarled and reared up like a Grizzly Bear and Roared! "RRRRooooooooaaaaarrrrr!" Naturally the curtain came down, as there was a fair amount of tears at that moment, and I was quietly escorted Home, by the Local Plod, who owed me a Monkey, and agreed to let it go this once, if I dropped his Debt.

Anyway, my Question is this. . . is Sherry a better addition to the Fruit Cake? Or is Brandy better?




  1. But of course my dear.  Sherry is a lovely addition to any fruited cake and pudding.  Though my great nan would prefer brandy.  

    I personally cannot over imbibe.  Alcohol and me do not mix very well at all.  No not at all indeed.  Last time I had a glass of brandy I ended up standing on the hood of the Rolls Royce doing the Cancan wearing only my butlers socks and nothing else.  Thankfully my neighbours were on Holiday in S Africa.  What a mess that can be!

    So in answer, yes, Sherry can be quite delightful to pour over your cakes, puddings, jellos, in your milk, tea, on your toothbrush and if you are truly inventive, one of those lovely hats with the container and two straws, and hide it in your pillows so you can sneak a peck or two or five when you think your spouse is not looking.


    Edit- Dark wants to beat me?  -=perkage=-  sounds yummy.  I can play lower class nodnodnod

  2. a bit of both!!

  3. brandy always

  4. I always find my Good Lady, (who is an actual Fruitcake ) responds best when Brandy is added to the equation. Being so much stronger than Sherry, and with less of a " Door Monkey" image, 3 doubles,and She starts to think She is Carol Decker (from T'pau, duuh)  and starts a remarkable acapella version of  " China in your Hand " which has to be heard to be believed, four doubles (which actually works out remarkably cheap, if you live near Lidl's ) and she's going at it like a scrapyard Dog, taking on all comers! So all in all, I would have to say Brandy was the better option.

    But what do I know.

  5. Mrs Bertram is clearly from a lower class than your good self, it is a wonder you did not vomit profusely in her face and then hit her over the head with her Sherry Flavoured Fruit Cake!

    Your behaviour was beyond reproach!

    Let the lower classes sort out is whether Sherry or Brandy is better, if they get it wrong we will simply beat them!

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