
Which is better for a MINI Cooper- an automatic or manual? And why?

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Which is better for a MINI Cooper- an automatic or manual? And why?




  1. THe Mini is the best car BMW builds.  The Mini has one big problem and that with the automatic transmissions.. Don't buy an automatic Mini..  

  2. EEEUUUU, why the heck would you buy one of those d**n Mini Coppers, they are so boxy and fugly, fking ugly, I would not be caught dead in one of those things, get a real BMW...

    Proud owner of a 1987 535I and Alpina B7

  3. The bottom line to your question is, it's truly a matter of preference.

    Either the 6 speed manual or the 6 speed automatic is a great choice to transmit engine power to the road.

    The dual cone synchros of the manual offers rapid, precise gear changes with minimal effort.

    The automatic adapts to your driving style and the kick-down switch enables you to drop down several gears for better acceleration. The paddles shifters that come with the automatic are pretty cool too.

    On the practical side, if you drive in areas that always have a lot of traffic, the automatic may be a better choice for you.

  4. The MINI Cooper manual ( Made by Getrag), is an amazing transmission. It's a 6 speed manual vs the previous years (2002-2006) which were 5 speed manuals. The newest addition to the manual tranmissions for the 2007+ models is a sychronized reverse gear. they made it easier to get in to reverse.  The manual transmission is one of the best I've ever used.

    The automatic transmissions are now being made by ASIN. ASIN makes automatic transmissions for the entire Toyota line. These are 6 speed automatics ( NOT 4 speeds..) They are also wonderfully built transmissions.

    For the MINI, the manual transmissions is a standard option (so it's free), and the automatics are an additional $1250.

    Either way you go, you'll have fun in the MINI. Don't let people try to talk you out of what you feel the most comfortable with.

    I have both a manual MINI Cooper S JCW and an automatic MINI Cooper.  I LOVE MY CARS.

    Just go out, take'em out for a test drive and have fun.  

  5. Manual is always better.

    Lighter, better on gas, quicker and faster, more reliable, cheaper to maintain or fix.

  6. Isn't automatic always the best choice?

  7. I'd have to say that a manual is better for a couple reasons. 1st is fuel mileage. With an auto, you only have 4 speeds including overdrive. That means that at highway speeds, you'll be turning an average of 2000 to 2500 rpm's. More rpm's, more fuel being used. As with a manual, at the same speeds, you'll be turning about 300 to 500 rpm's less. That may not seem like a lot, but it affects fuel mileage drastically.

    2nd, and hopefully you'll never have to experience this one. If you ever have transmission problems, manual transmissions tend to be a lot less expensive to repair than auto's.

    Hope this helped.

  8. if you need to ask this question and plan on getting a MINI, i suggest you look at another car.

  9. MANUAl is better because its cheaper to fix in the future and since the mini cooper is sporty lookin, its nicer to have it manual,

  10. I say automatic. only because they are small and unless your also real small. it can get tricky in those little coopers manuvering to a clutch and shifter etc

  11. manuals last longer and use less gas but are harder to drive when starting off

    automatics are more powerful and easier to drive

  12. A manual is better for any car, in any situation.  The automatic costs a lot of money, and in return for that you get.... nothing.  Worse performance, worse gas mileage, less reliability, greater maintenance cost, and less fun.

  13. unless you do drive-bys or talk on the phone while driving , which are both illegal get a manual

  14. The only reason I would have an automatic, is if most of my driving is done in heavy traffic, like big city freeways.  Lot's of stop and go.  You can lose a clutch that way, and get cramps in your leg.

    Since I don't have that to worry about, I have a manual in my 06 Mini.

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