
Which is better for college?

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if i do cross country

and not be in varsity, just regular practices

which is every day after school


if i do a different club

every day after school [5 clubs total]

in college, i dont want to do anything with sport

and im not really good

the clubs are more enjoable, i think

but will they help me more for college then the sport?




  1. Colleges don't want to see how much stuff you can pack in to a day. They want to see leaders and students who push themselves. It would look better to be in one or two clubs and be the president or hold an office in the club than to be in several clubs. We heard this direct from one admissions office.

    Taking honors or AP classes help. They see that this is a student who isn't afraid to push themselves academically.

    Adding on some community service after school will look good too.

  2. Sounds to me like you already know what you want to do.  If you want to be in the clubs and you're very active in your community (like volunteering) through those clubs it can really help you out with college apps.

    On the other hand, cross country is a great way to keep in shape and you don't have to pay a personal trainer! :-)

  3. u don't have to do sports to get into college doing a total of five clubs is more than enough

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