
Which is better for the environment: Email or Snail Mail?

by  |  earlier

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Emails use electricity to read & send, and hardware (computers), plus servers, etc.

Snail Mail uses paper products and require gasoline and equipment to ship via the post office.

Which is better from an environmental standpoint?




  1. Computers are not going anywhere, as they are used for a whole lot more than just e-mail.  Might as well use them for sending information around while they are there.  I think e-mail would be much more economical than paper mail.

  2. I would think email as there is no paper used or wasted and it's a heck of a lot faster!!

  3. I'd bet on email being better. Not only does snail mail entail all that you mentioned, but also the environmental costs of building and maintaining post offices, with employees using oil burning vehicles to get to and from work.

    And don't even get me started on airmail!

  4. I'm leaning towards email but email does use alot of energy

    I guess each has their own ups and downs

    besides "snail Mail" uses ALOT of gas ...gross :(

    why can't they use hybrid mail carriers?

  5. E-mail! I don't have to use gas to take my letter to a post office, or have a post office van use gas to drive and deliver my letter. I also save $ on stamps and can keep in touch better (responding to someone several times in a day as opposed to once a week).

  6. it dont matter does it really if u want somebody to know sumthing pick up a phone and call them

  7. Tricky one but letter for letter, I'd say email was more economical

  8. I would have to say email.  Email requires only about 20 minutes of electricity when you type and send or check then you can shut off your computer.  But post office mailing requires someone to drive over in a car emitting fumes into the air and then going back to the post office, then deliver it and probably 100 others.  All that driving is bad for the environment.  Also operating the equipment required to sort out the mail uses quite a bit of electricity.  Then you have to consider the mail being delivered across the globe by plane or ship then being driven around.  That harms the environment as well.

  9. Email is definately the way to go. You're not wasting paper, gas, money, time. Although at some point it may mean a decline in jobs for mailcarriers. Ways to cut down on snail mail... Don't sign up for things unless you are really interested in receiving mail about it. Recycle (and shred anything with personal info) all junk mail. Take yourself off of mailing lists. Read online. Most publications have an online version that is more updated!

  10. Email it does not take paper or gas to deliver it.

  11. I would figure email.... only because most people already have a computer, so it's not like they have to go out and buy one.  They are also using it for other purposes too... so they can add one more thing to the list, email instead of sending letters, and help save paper and energy related things from snail mail.

  12. I would say email.  If you use a laptop, you do not use as much energy as with a desktop computer so that is even more energy efficient.  

    The downside of the question is that the post office does hire thousands of people, thereby relieving the unemployment issue.  

    So, mail in your bills and send birthday cards to your aunt, but email your friends.

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