
Which is better for the environment (green living) Plastic or Paper and why?

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Thank you all for answering...I asked a question like this on seniors.....

Hi Peapie good answer!!




  1. ioyuk;p',ouoi

  2. I don't use either! I use canvas bags!

  3. I use paper most of the time and occaasionally cloth. I refuse to use plastic unless they are madeof corn starch. The ones made of corn starch are biodegradable whereas the regular plastic bags are not.

  4. Both are not to be used.

    Plastic because it is non bio-degradable and made from depleted sources.

    Paper because it is made of wood, consumption of which causes reduction of wood/ trees.

    Instead use Jute/ Cotton which are reproducable and are not depleting the nature.

  5. Tough call. Making paper uses a lot of energy from the diesel fuel used to harvest and transport trees to the mill to making the bags and delivering them to the stores. Just because of the bulk and weight of paper it cost more to deliver paper bags to the stores than to deliver plastic bags. Every supermarket has bins to drop used plastic bags for recycling. I don't know if it is more efficient to recycle plastic than paper. Cloth bags are the most reusable but it is nice to have a few paper and plastic bags handy to reuse. I don't think plastic or paper makes much difference environmentally as long as it is reused and recycled.

  6. paper because more paper than plastic is recycled, and to make plastic oil is used. And oil ruins the environment.

  7. Cloth is better but if you had to choose between paper or plastic then it would be brown paper bag.  Plastics take a lot of money just to get the oil out of the ground, then you have to put it through multiple processes to make plastic.  Paper you cut the trees down and make paper with it.  It goes through processes as well but it's renewable and it takes less energy to make.

  8. elemental chlorine free paper is best and ecofriendly

  9. paper because plastic does not break down and is unhealthy for all of us. Paper can be recycled, and new trees planted.

  10. Of course its paper coz it’s degradable. It can easily decompose and be converted to fertilizer. However, nowadays you could not do away with plastics. It’s a reality in today’s living and we have no choice. What we need is proper management so that plastics could be more useful than the damage it can do to the environment.

  11. Either, it the choice made after the product has been used: Can it be used again, recycle it, or make something new out of it.

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