
Which is better in your opinion online pool or pool in person?

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Online pool is cool every once in a while but playing in person is much better, what is your say?




  1. pool sucks

  2. Pool is to s*x as online pool is to pornogrpahy.

    You're stil knocking the balls around but you know it's not for real.

  3. I am so much better at online pool.

  4. in person

  5. Oh, pool in person is WAY better!

    Never could aim those stupid little cues on online pool.

  6. Playing in person is wicked sick!!! Online is ok. But in person is the frickin man.

  7. I say online because you can play more people and say what you want to say to them,but inperson it will be good too because you can say it to their faces.

  8. Real pool, hands down.

    Online pool requires no skill and there's no thrill to the game.

    But in a pinch, it suffices.

  9. online pool is ok, it kinda helps you know where to aim when your playing 4real.

    But playing pool in person is way more fun then playing it online, In person you can even play for money!

  10. In person. and anyway if you win you can get a free beer or two.

  11. in person is much better

  12. Real life pool. Online pool is pretty neat but theres some perks to real life pool. You get to pace around the table and star down your opponant when they're shooting. Act all cool and stuff. Lol THAT'S WHAT POOL IS REALLY ABOUT!

  13. Online, you can be anywhere and play with anyone from anywhere.

  14. Personally I like playing pool in person, it's more fun that way.

  15. dude your questioned sucks, ofcourse real pool is better.

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  16. im better at online pool, but in person is much more fun

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