
Which is better? inclusion or self contained classes?

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we have this research paper in English and i figured i should come up with a topic connected with my links would be appreciated




  1. No links, Inclusion is prefered for most kids. They have the research to prove it!

  2. I can tell you from personal experience that inclusion is much better.

    I was one of those "learning disabled retards" that was main-streamed where I was put into classes with the "normal" students and now with my 20th high school class reunion coming up next summer, this special ed "dummy" have straightened up in a huge way. I state this fact because I went back to college back in 2005 despite my family's objection and did earn a AAS Degree in Engineering where I graduated with a 3.82 GPA. Now I'm working to earn dual Bachelor Degrees in Computer and Electrical Engineering, where I have a 4.00 GPA, and I'm working fulltime at Teledyne as a machinist. I'm a member of the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society, on the 2007 National Dean's List, and I've been invited to the 2008 Engineering Delegation in China by the International Scholar Laureate Program. BTW, this past spring I had big-named universities such as University of Virginia, University of Maryland, Columbia, etc..... contact me granting me automatic admissions into their universities starting back this past August.

    I can honestly say, "This "Learning disabled r****d" has never been in trouble with the law before." How many of the "smart students" can say that?" I doubt that many, considering the fact that I graduated with about two dozen people that are currently in prison for various reasons, such as drugs or murder.

    I even went to school with a "normal student" that actually took a taxi-cab back in the fall of '88 to rob a bank. When the taxi-cab driver realized what was taking place, the cab driver drove off and left this moron behind. This mental giant did nothing but run across a busy 8-lane highway to a car dealership and try to steal a car. There is where he got busted. This "brain child" got 38 years in federal prison for bank robbery, attempted kidnapping, using of a firearm while committing a felony, and this does not count state charges of grand theft auto, etc...... This clown might not have been in any special ed classes, but he has been Big Bubba's boy toy for almost 20 years and he will remain Big Bubba's boy toy for a long time to come.

  3. most of the links i found where blogs and opinions.  personally i have believe that a child should be placed in the Least Restrictive Environment, according to that child.  If the child learns best in a inclusion classroom or a general ed classroom then that is where they should be, however if a child learns best in a self contained class then that is where he/she should be placed.  there are great districts that will let a child spend part of the day in a self-contained class to pre teach or reteach skills learned as part of a general ed, or inclusion class.

  4. I don't have any links to give  you sorry for that, I only have personal experience to give you.  I have a daughter who is now 10 and has been in special ed for the last few years.  Our school does it by inclusion and we have found that this is the greatest thing for her, she doesn't feel singled out or have her self-esteem knocked down.  We are extremely fortunate to have fabulous teachers that make sure they are not taking away from the other students just to accommodate the ones with special needs, all of the students get the attention they all need.  Well as much as any teacher can give in a public school setting.

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