
Which is better new verizon dare or I phone?

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Which is better new verizon dare or I phone?




  1. iphone :]

  2. I'd have to vote the Dare.

    There  is just too much that the iPhone sucks at.

    For one, the service on it sucks. My boyfriends iPhone drops our calls atleast once a day and we live in a big city where the service should be superb.

    Two, you cannot send or recieve picture messages on the phone. You can send pictures through email and recieve them through a computer. WTF is that?

    Three, if youre a female with nails, forget it. You have use your finger tips on the screen which tend to be too fat for the small letters and numbers. It's frustrating.

    The Dare seems to make up for all of these problems in the iPhone & then some. Don't get me wrong, if you can look past those issues, the iPhone is pretty cool. Personally, I am about to purchase me a Dare and would never even bother with the iPhone.

  3. Your friends will laugh at the Dare and stand awe inspired by the iPhone.

    If you purchase the Dare you will become extremely frustrated and write mean things about the iPhone every chance you get.

    Good luck.

    PS  Nothing is perfect, but the iPhone is certainly very close.  Apple is working hard at updating it to get it even closer to perfection.  The other companies want you to buy the Dare2 next year instead of updating their old tech.

  4. Dare. :)  

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