
Which is better nvidia 9800 gtx or ATI Radeon HD 4850?

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Which is better nvidia 9800 gtx or ATI Radeon HD 4850?




  1. I was gonna p[ost but cman said what I was going to add.

    best to read some reviews and make up your own mind. its really more of a contest between the gtx+ and the 4850. The gtx doesnt really compete with it.

    Then between the gtx+ and the 4850 it depends on what you want to play and whether you plan on using aa

  2. 4850 is better. But the 9800gtx+ is even better.

  3. OwinC beat me to it!

    The Radeon 4850 beats the Geforce 9800GTX pretty easily, but gets edged out by the newer 9800GTX+ in most cases.

    However at higher resolutions (like 23" monitors) with AA enabled, the 4850 starts to outperform the 9800GTX+

  4. HD 4850 beats out the 9800GTX, and in some cases the new 9800GTX+.  I wouldn't even consider the 9800GTX at this point; the 9800GTX+ is the one to look at now, and the price difference is minimal.

    If you can find another $100 or so in your budget, grab the new HD 4870 which beats out everything near its price point.  However, the 4850 has a little better performance/price ratio.

    If you're concerned about system heat or space, the 4850 does run somewhat hot, but doesn't take up as much room as the 9800GTX+, which has a big fat cooling system that takes up a lot of room, usually taking up two slots instead of the 4850/4870's one.

    Check out the benchmarks below for comparisons of all these cards.

  5. Man I don't know haha either way you'll have to have Vista to unlock the full potential (dx10) which I think is stupid. There are different manufactures for both cards, some have different fillrates and core speeds so you can't really compare.

  6. go for the ATI 4850 at this time, its a good price for performance, and is more powerfull, although make sure you get a decent brand with ATI.

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