
Which is better? polygamy or monogamy?

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Which is better? polygamy or monogamy?




  1. definitly monogamy! you don't have to worry about all the diseases and other junk that comes with polygomy

  2. uuggh?? Monogamy all the way!

  3. We talking personal preference???

    Then, for me... monogamy all the way.

  4. If you stay together long enough it is neither.

    It becomes Ploygrip and monotony.

  5. I am married and one woman (my wife) is enough for me. For me, monogamy is better.

  6. I guess it depends on who it is. If it's something somebody is open minded to, and wants to be a part of, then more power to 'em!

    And if they don't want to be a part of it, monogamy is better.

    Neither is either better or worse, it all just depends on the person =]

  7. It depends on how willing the participants are and what they bring to the table.

  8. With one woman what you have i friendship, love, companionship.

    But with two or more women what you have is hatred, rivalry, costant fighting, and enviness.

    Now you can decide which is better.

  9. For me monogamy cause i dont want or need another man.

    I love my husband more then anything and he has always been enough for me and always will be enough for me.

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