
Which is better.........?

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is a university better than a college, or is a college better than a university?




  1. They're both the same.

  2. A college is defined as an institution of higher learning granting two-year and four-year degrees.  In addition, universities grant professional and graduate degrees.

  3. Well, in Ontario, Canada, where I live, a college is usually referred to as a "community college" and specializes in training in skilled trades, hospitality services.

    computer sciences, etc.  Courses usually run anywhere from a year to 4 years.  Degrees or certificates are issued for completion of the course.

    The university here provides 4 year programs in the arts, sciences, business, after which time a degree is obtained, and you can, if you wish ,persue a master's programme, or something along that line, if you choose.

    Really, the choice depends on what career you have in mind.  Community colleges, here anyway, are geared more to the trades.

    I think in the States they may be used interchangeably, because I've heard many of my American neighbours say they went to college, when they actually went to someplace like U. of M.  Here there is a distinct difference.

  4. That would depend on your intended future and current location.  

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