
Which is better re: aluminum foil -a recycled brand or reusing the standard type?

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So, I recently purchased aluminum foil that was made from recycled aluminum. Unfortunately, it's very thin and tears very easily. Nonetheless, I am trying to reuse it when I can. However, the standard aluminum foil (like Reynolds) is much thicker and offers an industrial strength foil that I am sure would withstand many, many uses. So, which is better? I like the idea of creating a demand for products made of recycled materials, but on the other hand, if I can find what I need and reuse it more successfully, then I don't necessarily need to buy aluminum foil as often. Which is more environmentally friendly, or is there not much difference one way or another?




  1. I would have to say the recycled foil is better.

    It takes less energy to recycle aluminum than to process it from its raw state.  If the recycled aluminum is thinner, that means less aluminum is used.  Less energy to make the roll.

    Most people do not reuse aluminum foil. It gets used once, then into the trash.

  2. Better yet is not using the aluminum in the first place. Remember the order - REDUCE, reuse, then recycle.  If you can use containers you already own, that is better than purchasing something new, even if it IS recycled.  

    And yes, recycled aluminum typically contains only 5% of the embedded energy of NEW aluminum.

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