
Which is better straight ROTC or SMP?

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It's my second year of college and I'm thinking about joining the reserves. But I obviously don't want to get deployed right now so I'm thinking about doing the SMP program. But I'm wondering if it would be better just to do the ROTC scholarship? Or is the SMP program more beneficial?




  1. ROTC: Monthly allowances up to $500 a month, your degree cost is paid for, a more relaxed training that builds gradually over time, you get the college experience without leaving the campus (they have their own field trips, and exercises).

    Once you graduate, you have the choice of Army active, Army Reserve, or National Guard. By that time you will have decided wich component of the USA Army is best for you.

    There is nothing wrong with doing SMP. It's great for people who are already in. But since your still in college, and want that experience - try out Rotc, which allows you to get a feel for the branch before actually contracting. I have family that have taken this particular route, and they love it!  

  2. SMP. You get experience and more money. If you find a unit you like, and don't plan on going active duty after college, you can be commissioned right into your unit most of the time.

    Don't try to go around giving orders though, 2LTs have a hard time getting respect. You are only a cadet, your "orders" don't have any value.  

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