
Which is better tiger or lion?

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Which is better tiger or lion?




  1. Lion

  2. Tiger. Lions are overrated. Plus, lions are one of the only animals that kill for fun, and not for food. You know the other? Humans. Who also suck.

  3. Better in what way? Appearance wise tiger's are better, in my opinion.

    Lions are generally stronger than tigers, though, having to constantly fight for superiority. Tigers are more solitary and don't need to fight for the alpha male spot.

  4. A lion of course but then I am biased I am a LEO lol

  5. a lion cause i cant think of a song for a tiger

  6. lol mixed xD

  7. Ohh ligons are cool lol. :)

    So are ligers.

    I love white bengals though. They're gorgeous.

    Apparently there is no such thing as a "white tiger" anymore. I guess the real white tigers haven't been seen in the wild for 100 years or close to it. What we call white tigers are just bengals. Just some info.

    As far as what is better, I have always thought the appearance of a tiger is much more striking than a lion's. Lions weigh less then tigers and don't have as great of features. Both are fierce hunters, but lions are faster than tigers. I picked ligons or ligers because then you get the best of both worlds I suppose. Both are great creatures and stunning to see in the wild. You will always notice that lions are in packs and tigers, not so much. Tigers are very solitary and make their way about by themselves. I have heard there are way more attacks on humans from tigers than lions. Lions are not endangered (I am pretty sure) and tigers are. Bengals are pretty endangered right now.

    I guess in the end it all comes down to a matter of opinion of each person. My personal favorite will always be a tiger. I feel like you always see lions on Animal Planet and Discovery Channel, but not nearly as many tigers.

  8. Liger, best of both worlds.

  9. Tiger !!! They're cute.[ when they look sleepy.]

  10. liger is the best!

  11. I don't think either are better than the other, but in personal opinion I favour the tiger.

  12. Lion, because its a better name and they have a mane i think lol

  13. LION!!

    1. they get to live in africa - the most beautiful and diverse continent

    2. they live within such a tight-knit family group

    3. the males are almost completely reliant on the females to fetch their food

    4. the cubs are just so beautiful!

    5. there is a place called the lion park in south africa where you can volunteer. you get to live there, and help raise the cubs up to 6 months old, also educating the public about these amazing creatures (i WILL go there one day!)

    mmmmm no contest really. lion wins paws down!

  14. Tiger

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