
Which is better to go for holidays? France or Italy?

by Guest62402  |  earlier

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I'm going this October. Actually to Spain, then off to either Italy or France.




  1. France is wonderful, but Italy is flashy and fashion and the beach. Go to Italy. Also Italy has hotter guys.LOL

  2. Hmmm, both are beautiful, cultured, amazing. So I don't know.

    Italy, go for Italy. You'll have more fun!

  3. Greece.

  4. I would say France, but it would probably be best to learn a little french first!

  5. well  you are going in october so if you like good weather then go to italy =) but both countries are really beautiful so that seems like a hard decision...

  6. for holidays is better france...specially high pyreenesitaly so crowded during holidays

  7. I'm fromSan Marino, so my answer will be Italy xDxD

    (also if....San Marino is in italy, but is a state indipendent from it )

    France is fine too!

    I  went to Paris and also went to Monte-Carlo (also if isn't france at all) they are beautifull places...

    but if you are going in october...  is better italy! ^_-

  8. both are amaizing but if u have never been to any of them france should be the winner an amaizing country and culture. itlay is fashion, food and warmth its a lovley country but france an amaizing country filled with beauty every where u look.

  9. Italy is more of a Landscape place with some fantastic views.  So I would go for italy.  Venice, Florence and rome are very nice places to go.  

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