
Which is better when getting married?

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ok me and my fiance are getting married march 7th and i was wondering how soon we should get our marriage lisence and what makes it official i know you get the thing then what happens?




  1. I think the marriage license is only good for something like 60 days before the wedding, so I'd wait until February to worry about that if I were you.


  2. you can get the lic.. within 30 days of the wedding then your wedding will happen and the minister, judge, officiant will fill out the certificate and mail it in.

  3. Each state has their own laws regarding the aquisition of the license.  If you google your state + marriage license you can get the state page that will detail their requirements.  Usually this is done about 1.5 months before the wedding date b/c once the license is issued, (which takes a few days) a ceremony must be performed within 60 days for it to be valid.  So both issuing the license and the ceremony must occur for the marriage to be official.  Hope this answers your question.

  4. Where do you live? When you get your license depends on your state/county in which you live.

    I live in California. We were allowed to get our marriage license 90 days before the wedding. After 90 days the license is expired. But each state is different, so I suggest going to your county/state website and looking at their marriage license laws.

    Usually what happens to make it official is a person who has authority to marry you signs the license, along with two witnesses. Most of the time your pastor will sign it, along with your maid of honor and best man. Then the pastor will send it in to make it official.

  5. Check with your local clerks office about the time limits to a marriage license.  They are usually only valid for 30-90 days and sometimes there is a 3-5 day waiting period after you get one before you can have your ceremony.

    How it works is you get a marriage license and then you need an ordained minister or civil servant to perform your ceremony and you, your husband, the minister/civil servant and witnesses sign it at your ceremony.  Bam!  You're married.

    You should usually go 2 weeks before your wedding to apply/get it, so that any waiting period will not affect your ceremony and it won't expire before the ceremony either.

  6. you should purchase the license with in 30 days of the ceremony . . after the ceremony the officiant will sign and mail the license to the county clerk were it will be filed

  7. You can get the license 1 week before the wedding if you want. (it is valid for 30 days) The license is valid when the officiant mails it in to the city. Unless you get married through the civil court, then it is valid then and there.

    But if you are having someone else perform the ceremony, the marriage is not recognized ny the city/state until they mail it in. SO make sure they mail that baby as soon as all the signatures are done. Good luck =)

  8. it's different in every state. in new york it is good for 60 days, but there is a 24 hour waiting period after you get it

  9. It depends on what state you're getting married in, doesn't it? In many, you have up to a year to get married after obtaining a marriage license.

  10. as you can see, it depends on where you live.  In Minnesota you can get one up to 90 days before.  Check with your local court house to see how long it takes and how soon you can get it.  

    What makes it official is your MOH & Best man signing it and then filing it :)  Good luck and congrats!

  11. Our minister brought the paperwork to the ceremony, and had our best man and maid of honor sign as the witnesses, and then we turned it into the county clerk the week after to apply for it. We got a copy the same day we applied for it. That way the marriage license has the date of the ceremony as the date we got married.

  12. You can't do it till 60 days before but different for every state. When you recieve it in the mail after your wedding it is official.

  13. Most states won't even let you get the license until a week or two before the wedding date.  Here in CO, marriage licenses expire if they're not used within 30 days of being issued.  The actual thing that makes the marriage official, though, is signing the marriage certificate after the ceremony.  Usually, your minister or JOP will come equipped with a legal marriage certificate for you to sign between the ceremony and the reception.  You sign your married name to it, and then you send it in to your county clerk on the next business day so it can be filed officially as a marriage.

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