
Which is cheaper to do open the borders or try and seal them and control immigration?

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great answers and should run for office.




  1. What do you mean by open borders?

    Does that mean letting people walk in and out as they please? or ?

  2. we have no choice but to seal the borders and start controlling immigration because it is already expensive the way it is.  I say allow everyone already here illegally the opportunity to become US Citizens, but close the borders.

  3. Although it's an expensive process to seal the borders,  we can't afford not to. Every illegal that crosses the border and is apprehended cost thousands of dollars to feed, shelter and provide medical care for. Then there the cost of transporting them to the border. This does not even take into account those who are not caught, including drug runners and other criminals (technically, they are all criminals) who head to our large cities and commit crimes or join gangs. The so-called non-criminals are immediately eligible to apply for social services like welfare and medicaid which are paid for by the American taxpayer.

  4. Seal the borders, and control illegal immigration.

    As for giving the illegals an opportunity to become citizens... No way!  Anyone catch on to Ted Kennedy's family reunification clause yet?!  His 1964 Family Chain bill?!  It has been costing us more.  It is a known fact that some family members that are here legally and citizens are aiding, and abetting their illegal "relatives".  Some have admitted to doing so.

  5. When you examine the illegal aliens you discover

    1.  Their crime rate is very high, and that crime rate effects about 27+ American Citizens every day.

    2.  Because they are not checked when they come in, a great many of them have police records in Mexico.

    3.  Mexico has not supplied information on some of the folks that have come over.. or taken an enormous amount of time to do so, to the effect of frustrating any effort to control criminal elements from Mexico.

    4.  The use of fake I.D.s is very high, and it is possible for an illegal aliens living near a border in a state to collect welfare in two states at the same time while using a third fake I.D. to have a job.  You and I would go to jail for using those I.D.s.. the illegal aliens are merely deported and they find very good reason to defraud welfare in this country.

    5.  It is a felony offense to use those I.D.s, and the illegal aliens know it well.


    It is far, far less expensive to seal the border and control immigration.  Further, the problem is along the border and if we open them, the crime rate involving illegal aliens will start to rise in all the states.  

    It would be incredibly foolish to open the borders.  You can search in Yahoo for illegal aliens and discover the issues yourself and they are far greater than this small essay suggests.

  6. Both governments should realize (and many within each do) that open borders can only work where two nations have very similar laws, customs, values and, unfortunately, incomes.

    Mexico is NOT poor at 1.1 Trillion GDP, currently. And if projections hold, it'll be the world's fifth largest economy by 2040. They have 18 billion barrels of known crude reserves (keyword: "KNOWN" in "so far discovered") on LAND.

    Their middle class is exploding, bringing much lower birthrates, higher education, etc.

    But they're not there yet.

    The problem of illegal migration (trespassing) concerns a sub-culture that is as much a bane to their nationalists as it is to us.

    The only answer, for the time being, is a border that is - as nearly as possible - impenetrable at every point other than those designated by law as points of entry.


  7. Mexico needs to start taking care of their own people!!!!! they need to quit coming here, we cannot afford it as tax payers, if they come here they need to have a job and pay their own way, and the we need to get pelosi the pig !! out of office that ***** want to tax us more, to pay for illegals, is she sane!!!!!! or just and idiot, what an air head she is!!

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