
Which is considered more insulting: calling a female a "daddy's girl" or calling a male a "momma's boy"?

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Why do you think so? Is either label something to be proud of?




  1. They are both something to be proud of, having a close reltationship with your parents. I'm a daddy's girl, I'm his little Princess :-)

  2. Both. I wouldn't want to be called a "Daddy's Girl" (that's pathetic), and I'm sure guys wouldn't want to be called the latter.

  3. Calling a male a Momma's boy. It is perceived as the male being wussy, because a woman is considered the weaker s*x, a male who identifies more with his mother is thought of to be weaker as well. When I hear the term "daddy's girl" I think of someone who is spoiled rotten by her father.

  4. I don't feel either label is something to be proud of, but I think being called a daddy's girl has less of a negative connotation to it.  why?  because being a mama's boy denotes weakness (not a good male trait - typically) while being considered a daddy's girl, denotes some other daddy can take over the reigns.

  5. momma's boy.

  6. You left out the other two possibilities..a daddy's boy and a mama's girl.  

    Everyone lies somewhere inbetween all of these stereotypes and they are neither good nor bad unless in unreasonable extremes.

    Devotion is good but devotion without question can lead to some serious mistakes.  All of those types sound both sweet and disgusting at the same time.  I can't say I like or despise one label anymore than another.  They all have their place in family relations.

  7. momma's boy for suree.

    most people relate momma's boy w/ g*y,shy or feminime (sp?) or something  which isnt true (im a GIRL)

    but anyways, daddys girl is considered that ur close with ur dad,spoiled and have wrapped around your little finger..which people consider cute soooo mama's boy is worsee

    but my mom was a "daddy's girl" becuz she was ALWAYS with him

  8. I think both would be insulting. If I was called a Daddy's girl, that would imply that I couldn't stand on my own, and Daddy would have to rescue me.

  9. I think people associate both with each having a silver spoon in their mouth, or pretty much people who get away with everything because they cater to a specific parent.

    So depending on the context can depend on how insulting it is. I consider myself a "Daddy's girl", only because he saved me from the h**l I was in when I lived with my mother. He by no means has given everything my heart has desired, because he wanted me to respect him.

    I think it's good when men are "Mommas boys" though. Most of them respect their mother and usually in turn, respect women in general. I know that is an over-used cliche, but I think it is true.

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