
Which is correct,Does john has breakfast at 6:00 o'clock.or Does john have breakfast at 6:00 o'clock.?

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Which is correct,Does john has breakfast at 6:00 o'clock.or Does john have breakfast at 6:00 o'clock.?




  1. I agree with Marie G on the whole colon thing. Overall, Does John have breakfast at 6:00 is grammaticaly correct.

  2. definitely have not has

  3. Have. Because the verb has already changed to the third person on DOES, so you don´t need to change the verb 2 times to adjust with the correct conjugation.

  4. Does John have breakfast at six o'clock?

  5. "Have"

  6. have

  7. I think "Does John eat breakfast at 6:00" sounds better. I believe the colon and double zeros cover the o'clock thing.

  8. It's Does John HAVE breakfast at 06:00.

  9. Using "have" is correct.  Also "john" should be "John".   And to be a little more clear in your question, you could use "A.M." to indicate the morning hours for breakfast (6:00 A.M.).

  10. second is correct as you have placed a ? at the end of the statement.

  11. The correct way to say that sentence is:

    Does John have breakfast at 6:00?

    You do not need to say o'clock at the end, because the :00 means o'clock. That is just like saying six o'clock o'clock. If you want to say o'clock, then have it like 6 o'clock, without the :00.

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