
Which is correct? Five thousand and four hundred and forty three or Five thousand four hundred forty three?

by Guest44984  |  earlier

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Which is correct? Five thousand and four hundred and forty three or Five thousand four hundred forty three?




  1. Depends on the context.  Either one could be correct.

    But, if you are speaking the cardinal number 5,443, you don't use any "and's".

  2. the second choice

  3. Five thousand four hundred forty three


    When you say 'and' in math terms in implies that there is a decimal point there when the number is written out.

    Five thousand and four hundred and forty three


  4. five thousand four hundred forty three dude;  plf

  5. They are both correct, it depends on where you live.

    Five thousand, four hundred and forty three in the UK

    Five thousand, four hundred, forty three in the US

  6. Never use "and" to say a number.  The latter is correct.

  7. neither it should be Five thousand, four hundred and forty three

  8. Five-thousand, four-hundred, forty-three.

    use AND if you go into cents

  9. the second one

  10. The second one.

  11. five thousand four hundred forty-three

  12. Sort of depends what the original question was really ...

    BTW why does the 4 in "four" and "fourteen" have a U, but the 4 in "forty" doesn't

  13. Five thousand four hundred and forty three.

  14. and forty 3

  15. Five thousand four hundred forty-three (5,443) is correct.

  16. You only use the "and" in place of a decimal.  

    5, 443=five thousand, four hundred forty-three

    $5,443.00=five thousand, four hundred forty-three and no cents

  17. Five thousand four hundred forty-three (don't forget the hyphen in forty-three)

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