
Which is cuter name marcheline beatriz or angelene beatriz?

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its a combination of my name and my hubby's name maribel and angelito




  1. I guess you like Angelina Jolie, huh?  ;)

    I'd choose Angeline Beatriz out of those.  

  2. Sorry, I don't like either. But if I had to choose, I'd go for Angelene.

  3. angelene!!

  4. I prefer the tradional spellings of Angeline and Marceline. That being said, I like Angeline better. Have you considered combining both of your names together and use Anabel?

  5. Angelene is pretty.

  6. angeline  

  7. Angelene.

  8. Angelene.  Not a fan of Marcheline (Angelina Jolie)

  9. I'm not quite sure how Maribel + Angelito = Marcheline, particularly since your names are of Hispanic origin and Marcheline is French.  Or for that matter, where the "-lene" comes from out or Maribel.

  10. Angeline Beatrice. It looks classier when it's spelt traditionally.

  11. angelene"angie"

  12. angelene

  13. They're both great, but I think I like Angelene slightly more. :)  

  14. Angelene (or even Angeline, which I find closer to your guys' names) Beatriz is the prettiest to me.  Angeline, of course, means angel, which is gorgeous.  It also flows really well with Beatriz.  

    I don't really think the name Marcheline is too appealing.  I first heard of it from Angelina Jolie's kid, or mom I guess, and I still don't like it.  I think it's just because the "March-" part looks so pronounced and emphasized, and that reminds me of some bulky, heaving thing lol.

    Good luck!

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