
Which is easier regular Pre-calculus or AP Staistics?

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Which is easier regular Pre-calculus or AP Staistics?




  1. no idea

  2. True, it varies from person to person.

    Each one of our answers is biased to the answerer's personal interest.  Like mine, I love maths!!  but statistics is extremely boring for me, I have no idea why.  I am doing Calculus B, or Calculus 3, whatever...

    What I can say is this one thing: take a closer look as your interest in maths.  Look at where Calculus is going to take you,  go to Wikipedia an search "calculus", it's a free 157 page .pdf book.  Look at that, and it may look a bit intimidating, but take note of your interest, it that interests you, the I advise to go for pre-calculus!

    If things like the follow makes you curious, then go for pre-calculus:

    d/dx g(x) = "lim h→0" [g(x+h) - g(x)]/h = g'(x)

    ∫ k(x) dx = K(x)         K'(x) = k(x)


    ∫ m(x) dx = M(b) - M(a)


    if these makes you curious, then start with PRE-CALCULUS.  I thought I was a bit smart to jump directly to Calculus B, quite some mistake. Start with pre-calculus, then you will be understand much better

    I hope this helps



  3. I would guess that AP statistics is a little easier, but it really varies by the individual.

  4. pre calc

    is not AP.

    i'd go with pre calc it prepares you for stats.

    don't you have to take pre calc before you can take ap stats?

  5. pre calc is, sine the stats is an AP

  6. Pre-calc is a lot less work, it flows and makes sense. Statistics involves a lot of memorization of the different terms and tests you need to run but is easy math wise.

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