
Which is faster in air, the speed of sound or the speed of light?

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I was wondering which is faster in air, the speed of sound or the speed of light? Thanks for any & all info!




  1. The speed of sound in air at room temperature (20 degrees C) is 343 m/s.

    The speed of light in air is a litlle slower than the speed of light in a vacuum being 299,704,644m/s

  2. speed of light = 299,792,458 m/s

    speed of sound at sea level = 340.29 m/s

    the speed of light is:

    299,792,458/340.29 = 880,991 times faster than

    the speed of sound.

  3. Speed of Light is the fastest speed known to man

  4. Speed of light is faster than speed of sound in air, and more, there is no speed of sound in vacuum (without air), but light still propagates at the same speed even in vacuum.

  5. Speed of light in vacuum is 299792458 m/s or 983571056.43045 ft/s.

    Speed of sound in air of 20°C or 68°Fahrenheit is 343 m/s or 1125.32808 ft/s.

    You see that light is 874030 times faster than sound.

  6. speed of light is faster than the speed of sound  

  7. The speed of light in any transparent medium can be established by dividing the speed of light in vacuum by the refractive index of the medium.

    Air's refractive index is 1.000293, which makes light go 0.029% slower.

    Light still wins, by a landslide, over sound.

  8. light is much, much faster.  Just think about when you see lightning.  At a distance, light makes it to you much faster than sound does.

  9. LOL

    The speed of light is the cosmic speed limit, which means that nothing can travel faster than it.

    Sound is just a wave, and its speed is different relative to different reference frames, whereas the the speed of light is the SAME in all inertial reference frames.

    So it is obvious that the speed of light is faster than the speed of sound.  

  10. light is the fastest thing  

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