
Which is going to be more controversial?

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Which do you think is going to be more controversial...

The first African American president


The first Female vice president?




  1. I just read:

    “Russia's Black Sea Fleet is capable of destroying NATO's naval strike group currently deployed in the sea within 20 minutes”

    “Russia's General Staff said on Tuesday there were 10 NATO ships in the Black Sea - three U.S. warships, the Polish frigate General Pulaski, the German frigate FGS Lubeck, and the Spanish guided missile frigate Admiral Juan de Borbon, as well as four Turkish vessels. Eight more warships are expected to join the group.”

    No wonder US and UK are suppressing the news not reporting further on Georgia conflict. What do you think ?

  2. It SHOULD be the first female VP because every president so far as been male and color honestly shouldn't matter. There never has been a female VP though

  3. The first African American president

  4. The first super-old president with the first totally unqualified vice-president.

    What a freaking odd couple from h**l.

  5. The first totally unqualified black president and a super old Vice President What a freaking odd couple from h**l.

    I think a woman VP would be controversial, especially one that is a lifetime member of the N.R.A. You don't see many women in the NRA anywhere.

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