
Which is harder to learn between Russian and Arab?

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can't figure out which should I take up.




  1. i dont know Arabian but iI lived in America my whole life and my parents have taught me russian, that is where they are from.  Any language is hard to learn becuase each language has its own rules that seem wierd to you. I like Russian though, it seems the words have more powerful meanings than american words. and the more practice you get or the more you use the language the better. depending on where you live, or wish to travel, would you be in need of russian or arabian more? Pick a language that you can use in the future because if you dont use it, you tend to forget it and all your years of studing go to waste in the future.  thats why i practice my russian with my parents at all times.  I want my kids to learn the language too one day so i try not to forget it. ^_^

  2. Arabic and English are the two hardest languages in the world to learn (both are classified on a scale of 1-5 as a category 5 language) Russian is considered a category three language. The primary reason Russian is considered easier to learn is that their writing goes in the same direction (left to right) as English, their grammar and vocabulary words. For instance in Arabic the three letters ktb strung together can mean different things depending on either the context of the sentence it is in and the voweling used. (Arabic doesn't differentiate between consonants and vowels in a traditional sense, their vowels are called noonation and they are seen on top of certain letters to let a beginning reader know what vowel sound follows the letter it's above.) Russian on the other hand, is pretty straight forward, there are some cognates (sounds like an English word with a similar or same meaning) but their sentence construction is no where near as complicated as Arabic. Aside from the fact there are many different dialects of Arabic...kind of like Spanish, except that you have to learn a whole new vocabulary to go along with the standard form. Both languages are going to be useful, but chose not only for the language, but the culture and history that goes with it. Interest in the peoples and history of a language's root can help in understanding why things are said certain ways.

    Good luck with whichever language you chose!

  3. learn arabian, people in the US government will soon be looking for people that know that language. Arabian will be more useful, but Russian is easier to learn... you decide =]

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