
Which is harsher...a drop noseband OR a flash?

by  |  earlier

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im getting mixed opinions here...can anyone direct me to a site where i can find out more or can someone just explain WHY? =]]





  1. ive got my horse book infront of me right now and it says  that the drop is les prefered because it isn't as comfortable as the flash.

    both strap the mouth shut but the flash leaves some room for the air ways

    a mexican/grackle/figure 8 nosedband doesnt restrrict the horses breathing at all, but it still stops the horse from crossing its jaws. i use this bridle!!!

  2. They're not really "harsh," they just keep the horse from opening thier mouth alot and playing with the bit alot. I prefer teh flash becasue the noseband still sits in the regular place and the flash part acually goes around their mouth and in front of the bit to hald the mouth closed. I feel like it is more efffective than the drop noseband

  3. I Believe strongly that a drop-noseband is way harsher because it can constrict their breathing on the other hand though a flash can only go so tight I am sorry the truth is that......... well it puzzles me as well! I guess a flash is worse


  4. I'm thinking a dropped noseband...

  5. I don't like either, but if I had to chose I'd say the flash noseband is the nicer of the two.  

  6. dropped noseband.

  7. dropped noseband

  8. Properly fitted, neither one should be harsh. They just keep the horse's mouth closed around the bit. I think that a drop noseband has the potential to be harsher.

    Because the flash noseband is anchored higher, it would be nearly impossible to have it anywhere but on top of the nasal bone so it would be impossible to cut off a horse's breathing with a flash noseband. With a drop noseband, there is the possibility of adjusting it too low so that it does not sit on the nasal bone, but on the cartilage and that would make it possible to hamper the horse's breathing.  

  9. A dropped noseband is 'harsher' than a flash.

  10. a flash is so much harsher then a noseband

  11. smarty pants has the correct answer. neither are "harsh" they're designed to keep the mouth closed and keep the horse from gapping their mouth open. different pieces of tack are suitable for different horses, what works for one may not work for another. these pieces are designed with the same end result in mind. - keeping the mouth closed

  12. neither are harsh and they are equally matched

    they are both designed to keep the horses mouth closed and have little no no effect on harshness at all

    it usually doesn't matter which one you have although most judges prefer the nose band

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