
Which is healthier- coffee or tea?

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and is decaf good for you?




  1. tea. especially the green tea. Even if it is decaf, i still prefer tea over coffee.

  2. Decaffeinated tea

  3. Tea. Especially if you choose green tea, with it's natural antioxidants. =]

  4. Tea has a lower acidity and typically lower caffein levels (unless, of course the coffee is decaf., which still has a little caffein in it).  Tea has a lot of preventative qualities to it, like anti-oxidants.  Some studies have also shown green tea to help reduce the risk of prostate cancer, and all cancer in general.  I love green tea, but I am also hooked on coffee.

    Also, green tea is supposed to reduce the presence of bacteria in your mouth that cause halitosis (bad breath).

  5. Out of the two I would say tea. Although in moderation both are fine. And decaf is supposedly better for you, don't know about 'good'.

  6. tea. any coffee is more bad for you than good.

  7. Neither are particularly healthy as both have high levels of caffeine. The decaffeination process takes out most of the caffeine but what else does it remove?

    Tea however, has a saving grace in that it contains some trace elements i.e. manganese, which you need. I am assuming that you are comparing like for like so either a strong black coffee or a strong black tea, as soon as you start adding milk and sugar into the equation you are bringing in another variable.

  8. Tea is heathier BUT, it also depends what tea your talking about. Black tea is not so good. Green, white, or generally any herbal tea is VERY good for you. Coffee shouldn't be drank...

  9. tea has less caffeine and decaf has none at all. decaf would only be good for you if you were trying to stay away from the stuff :)

  10. Tea

    because it has less caffeine.

  11. tea would be best not alot of caffiene but decaf would also be good

  12. Tea.. check out my source.

  13. Tea

  14. I'm afraid to say neither.Coffee has caffeine in it but tea has tanning in it as well as caffeine.The only healthy things about cups of coffee and tea is the water it is made with as well as the milk you put in it.

  15. tea cos evn tho they both have caffeine

    at least tea doesn't irritate your tummy giving you gastritis, like cofee.

    also cofee gives you bad breath

    tea doesn't

  16. tea is healthier than coffee- but its still good to have coffee every now and again

  17. Tea,  decaf is a good drink of tea a small change in the flavour/

  18. Depends on what kind of tea...Regular caffienated tea that you drink either hot or cold(southern is iced tea)Orange of the mill iced tea blend..Those are worse for you and yes worse than coffee...If ur talking about a specialty tea...then obviously its better than the coffee.

  19. tea, has far as decaf goes I don't even know what that means..I don't drink coffee don't like the taste of it

  20. This is a tough one as it means you have to find the lesser of the two evils - they are both quite bad for you and can stain your teeth - I would say coffee is probably worse and there are also nasty breath issues with this - it is soooooo nice though - I couldn't function in a morning without it. Once I cut it out of my diet and I'm sure my eyesight started to go funny - strange but true!

  21. Tea, definitely. It contains anti-carcinogenic  elements and cannot get to your nerves. Especially green tea, which also comes with caffeine if you want, and has a million different benefits for your system. Check wikipedia :)

  22. Neither because of caffeine. Drink water!

  23. tea, just ... tea =/

  24. herbal tea is the best for you,sub no sugar =]

  25. No doubt in my mind tea esp. the green teas. I was drinking coffee everyday then I had to go to medical at my workplace for certs and there they took my blood pressure.  156/94 not good. Stopped drinking coffee started drinking tazo green tea now I am 116/67. Lesson? Its proven tea is a different animal then coffee.  Coffee has more caffien its a fact. Green teas have powerfule antioxidents and help so many other things. Thats why the chinese along with the japanese dont have the high rates of heart problems that we have.  Coffee just didnt benifit me.

  26. well...

    decaff is good but tea is better for you so you should start drinking that

  27. None, nothing is good for you if we drink too much or eat too much of it... But in moderation black coffee with no sugar or milk is ment to be very good for us, its like chocolate is good 4 us before we start adding sugar and milk

  28. Tea

    Less caffine

  29. Decaf is chemically processed and worse than regular coffee. It still has small amounts of caffeine in it.Dark roast coffee has less caffeine than a breakfast blend due to the longer roasting process. I think it has a better flavor too.

    Coffee has health benefits and so does Tea. I think it is preference and moderation that matters. if you add lots of sugar & fat to either it makes it worse.

    The bergamot in Earl Grey tea can be harmful if drank too much over time.

    As for caffeine,coffee has more and peaks faster and goes away. Tea is more of a time release effect which will last longer and has a slower rise and come down.

  30. Tea is better less caffiene than coffee and full of anti oxidents.

  31. I'd say tea is 'good' because it's more healthy more you.

    Coffee is bad because it is addictive, you become a slave to it and eventually it decreases your attentiveness

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