
Which is healthier fruit juice or any drink that's diet?

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and which of these can you lose weight?




  1. If your going to drink juice then make sure its 100% pure juice.  If its the fake garbage its the same as diet drinks.

  2. Both aren't that great.  Stick with water.  Fruit Juice can have a lot of sugar.

  3. JUICE!!! it dont rot ur teeth as fast

    please help mee?

  4. Neither.

    Fruit juice really.

    Diet has ALOT of artificial sugars. You're better off having normal stuff, Diet just makes you fat and tastes yucky anyway ;)

  5. To tell you the truth, neither is the best option.  Water.  Water.  Water.  However, I used to belong to Weight Watchers and they said you could drink a diet, caffiene free pop two times a day and that would count as two of your 8 waters a day.  

    Fruit Juce choices should be low in suger whcih is unheard of.  

    But the most inportant thing is to remember that everything in moderation.  Too much pop or fruit juice will be extra sugar and extra sugar means extra fat.  :)  Good luck.  

  6. Fruit juice is healthier, but neither one is good as a weight loss tool. The best drink is water. I like to dilute my fruit juice with water. It cuts the sugar of the juice and makes water taste better.  

  7. Fruit juice without added sugar is the best ..

  8. Fruit juice.  Nothing in soda is healthy.  It's just chemicals and sugar, and if it's not sugar, it's just more chemicals.

  9. better to consume the whole fruit and drink water.  there's nothing healthy about diet drinks.  when it comes to foods and drink they are either healthy for the body or they are unhealthy, there is no grey area.

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