
Which is heavier the sun or jupiter?

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i heard the sun is just gas soo it dont weight that much




  1. weight is a function of the force due to gravity - I think you mean mass.

    The sun has more mass than jupiter by about 100 times!

    Jupiter is also mostly gas!


    This will help you to understand.

  3. The Sun comprises approximately 99% of the total mass of the solar system and is therefore "heavier" than all the other planets (and moons, asteroids etc) put together.

  4. It's Jupiter that doesn't weigh a lot for it's size.  Jupiter is two and a half times the size of all the other planets put together but it is a gas giant, and so is not dense like the inner rocky planets.  It would float in water they say.  The Sun is far larger and heavier than Jupiter.


  5. Jupiter is heavier than any other planet.

  6. Your looking for the mass, not the weight. There is a difference between these two, and they are often confused. Your not alone... people in my science class get them confused all the time which leads to easy questions missed on a test, so lets clear it up now. Weight is the amount of force gravity has on you. Because Earth has more gravity than the moon, my weight would be greater on Earth than it would be on the moon. Weight changes on location, however mass does not. My actual mass will always be the same, well, unless I gain or loose matter thus affecting my mass. So for an example, on Earth I weight 50 kilograms. This is also my mass. Because we measure gravity on different bodies compared to Earth, your weight on Earth is also your mass. Assuming that I do not gain or loose any matter, but I was placed on the moon, my weight would change because of the difference in gravity, but my mass would not change because I didn't gain or loose any matter.

    Given that, we can now get to your question. It is very hard to determine that mass of celestial bodies, especially planets and stars, because their matter is constantly changing. In the sun's case, it is loosing matter. But we can get a rough estimate of the what mass of these objects is.

    Jupiter's approximate mass is- 1,898,600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms (1.8986 x 10^27)

    The sun's approximate mass is-

    1,988,920,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,... kilograms (1.98892 x 10^30)

    The sun is a ball of gas, but it does have a solid core which is very massive... that's what is keeping it all held together. Jupiter also is a giant ball of gas and it does too have a solid core. Jupiter's gass is mostly liquid as it approaches the core, but it obviously has a large amount of gasses in their gaseous state.

  7. Even though its just gas, Its a LOT of gas. The answer is the Sun. It weighs a million times more than the Earth, and hundreds of thousands of times more than Jupiter.

       By the way, Jupiter is mostly gas also.

  8. Weight is measured in terms of both mass and gravity, and since the Sun and Jupiter experience different gravitational effects, it is not very useful (as well as rather difficult) to compare their weights.

    I think what you're looking for is the MASS. Mass is independent of weight, for example if you went to the Moon you would weigh less but your mass would remain the same. In this case, the Sun is approximately 1047.517 (a little more than a thousand) times as massive as Jupiter, which is in turn about 317.817 times as massive as the Earth. Although both Jupiter and the Sun contain a large portion composed of gaseous matter, and an even larger portion composed of chemicals which would be gaseous under normal terrestrial conditions, both objects also have dense interiors, in fact the core of the Sun is more dense than any naturally occurring material on Earth.

  9. To put this in perspective, if a distant civilization were mapping out this area of space, they would catalogue it as an average yellow star (sun) with one planet (Jupiter) and debris (everything else).

  10. Massive as Jupiter is, it's mass is tiny compared to the Sun's which has the lion's share of all the matter that makes up the Solar System. It's mass is 1,000 times greater than Jupiter's. Jupiter has a volume 1,300 times greater than the Earth's, but the Sun has a volume 1 million times greater than our planet's. The Sun's diameter is about 10 times greater than Jupiter's as well.

  11. SUN!!!

    1.9891 ×1030 kg

    332,946 Earths!


    1.898 6×1027 kg

    317.8 Earths...

    sun is 1047.6589x more massive the jupiter

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