
Which is it? Why can't deniers of AGW reach a consensus on in their attempts to disprove AGW?

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which one is the most 'believed' by the deniers?

sun is getting closer

sun is getting hotter

the other planets are hotter

global warming isn't happening,it's a hoax

global warming is happening,and always has been,since god created the Earth

man isn't causing it

man can't do anything to change the Earth

man can't stop global warming

computer models are mistaken or inaccurate

I could go on and on,but here is a link to other silly proposals...




  1. I wonder why global warming is the only science that requires belief to prove it's real.

    Shouldn't that be proof enough to say that man made global warming is a fraud?

  2. Why can't the doom sayers reach an unanimous agreement.


    Myth #2:  Consensus does not mean unanimity.  Then stop quoting Oreskes, were she claims unanimity.

    Myth# 1:  Then why did the greenies back then claim concensus?

    #4.  Then apparently Earth is the only planet that does not have natural variation

    #5.  The sun can not have caused past warmings and have played no role in the current warming.  There is a difference between trends and levels.  Do you know the difference?

    #6;  The notion of overwhelming consensus is a massive hoax.

    #7:  You are again misleading.  Co2 alone, without feedbacks, causes minor warming.  It is positive feedbacks were the dispute is.

    #8 See above

    #9:  That is an argument that shows how insignificant co2 is as a greenhouse gas, and that such a small amount cannot cause catastrophic warming.

    #10:  Funny that the doom sayers only quote Jim Hansen's data.  Is that because other data actually shows that warming stopped?

  3. Look theres a bit more that I believe more then the ones u posted up there like man made co2 is very insignificant. Also the wheather isn't constant and always changes. Us skeptics just don't like believing in this religion state of mind when people talk about global warming.


    I read that link again and found something very crucial, 0.038% of the earth's atmosphere is co2 and that is very small, the website claims that small amounts of arsenic can kill you evem smaller then 0.038% but it has been repeated sooo many times that CO2 is not a potent green house gass and is a MINOR GREEN HOUSE GASS. therefore small X minor = not very significant

  4. We're waiting for you guys to come to a consensus on either "Global Warming" or "Global Climate Change".

  5. Science isn't consensus.

  6. Global warming does EXIST. There is no one capable of disproving it. People say earth is not going to end due to global warming and would due to expansion of sun and blah blah blah. But the truth is life on earth is going to end soon due to GW. We cant do anything about it now. GW IS cause by man and he plays 92% role. Global warming doesn't mean only WARMING, it refers to freezing conditions too. EARTH is going to end due to expansion of universe and splitting of every particle in the universe. Still deny that GW doesn't exist be ready to debate with me: And people who support GW I would like or appreciate if I had a chance with you to discuss this topic with you.

  7. You already asked this question. Why don't you be creative and make up a new one?

    By the way, all of these fit into the denier point of view (except I've never heard of the sun getting closer one)- they do not contradict themselves and are part of one idea.

    Even if there were lots of contradictory ones, that's good. Scientific controversy is a good thing because it shows that scientists are doing their job and speculating in order to find the best explanation. It's when everyone agrees on something so far-fetched as AGW that you should start getting suspicious.

    It's called the scientific method.

  8. Well.... the first thing that the 'Warmers' have to do is prove that AGW exists!  So far, there is none.

    It's kinda like me claiming that turkeys are pink...... now then...prove that they're not!

  9. Global warming has resulted in genocide of millions of people through tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods. This is caused by little Hitlers driving cars and being too productive. This denial should be treated like Holocaust denial.

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