
Which is less accepted in society a Paedophile or a Murderer ?

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Now Gary Glitter has been released and seeing peoples reactions to his release. I just wondered what society regards as least acceptable or are both simply as bad as each other.........?




  1. I will go on searching the jobs column for executioner for the lethal injection of paedophiles until the day I die. I want no pay. In fact I will pay for the job. Children are innocent victims, and the creatures than hurt these innocents should be put down like a rabid dog. As for murderers, they also should die. Why should they go on living and breathing and eating. I also advocate all bleeding hearts brigades should take into their homes all murderers and paedophiles. They should be made to adopt them, and care for them, preferably on an island far far away.

  2. Pedos are more despised.  Even in prison there is a sort of hierarchy and pedophiles are at the bottom.  Even killers often have children and they don't want them raped.

  3. For me it is the paedophile who is less acceptable, although murder is a terrible thing they general kill one person,where as paedophiles destroy the lives of hundreds.

  4. As one has said,

    "I would say it's paedophilia. A murderer may be able to give an explanation for their actions that others can understand or even empathise with. I don't think that could be said of a paedophile."

    That would actually be empathize, but I think a better word would be sympathize. E.g. Some actions by law that are considered first or second degree murder can be seen as justice. However, pedophilia is a mental illness that leads to actions and damage that no one can accept. If you go to jail under the allegations or guilty sentence of pedophelia, some inmates may be soon discussing this fact and giving answers to this question! Right after they kill the pedophile!  

  5. The majority of murders are not premeditated, where as paedophiles set out to harm small children. That being the case I have a certain empathy for some murderers, reason being that if a paedophile assaulted one of my children I would be classed as a killer.  

  6. Murder is  usually an occurrence between adults, and there will normally be a motive whether we find the motive and actions acceptable is another thing. Normal human emotions are within the mix somewhere.

    The protection of children within and by society will always be more powerful for two reasons. 1. It is morally right. 2. It serves an evolutionary purpose. Paedophilia will never and can never be 'accepted'. It is an abhorrence within humanity.

  7. Both are destructive. One final the other a lifetime of misery for some of the children involved.

    What I can't understand is why Glitter is getting all the media interest. He revels in it and they are feeding his ego. As for him making a come back. Words can't express my feeling about this. He needs castrating.

  8. Neither is easy to accept.  I know a woman whose 21 yr old son was murdered for a few pounds.  I saw the heartache and trauma she and her family went through at the time.  Then they were put through even worse when 8 years later she was out shopping and bumped into him in the local shopping centre.  No-one had even told the family this man had been released. The woman was so upset that she became suicidal, and her family could not leave her alone again.  Her sons murderer was free, but neither she or her family ever will be free of that.

    As for a paedophile, I could quite easily see myself driven to murder if my 4 yr old granddaughter was abused by one of these evil people.  I really do believe that they should never be released from prison back into society.  If they also murder their victim, then they should face the death sentence.

  9. It would be relative to the victims of each crime. Those who were sexually abused as an adolescent would say it would be a Paedophile. Those who would have had a murder in the family it would be murder, I who have not encountered either would say it would have to be murder. They kill those who murder but only put the Paedophile in jail.

  10. If you dropped your pants in public,and was seen by someone under 18 you could be labled a pedophile if charges were filed.

    If you flashed your breast at a festival,and a teen saw it,if charges were filed ,you would be called a pedophile

    If you were drunk at a party,and went behind a wall to take a leak,and someone under age saw you.If charges are filed,your pedophile.

    If your doing a porno movie out on balcony and were seen,once again,you could have pedophile charge on you.

    Just as there are different degrees of murder,and many reasons for one to do it,so there are different reasons and circumstances by which one is labled a pedophile.

    I would much rather my child see someone taking a leek in public,or see a woman flash her breast,then for someone to murder my child.


  11. A pedophile is less accepted in the United States.  Most murders are one-time crimes.  The person can be rehabilitated sometimes and become a good citizen.  They deserve a second chance unless the crime is so horrendous it warrant's the death penalty.

    On the other hand, a pedophile cannot be rehabilitated and in my own personal opinion they should be executed upon the first conviction.

    It is a crime against humanity for a country to allow a pedophile to leave their country.

  12. I find the answers to this question frightening, because they show a triumph of emotion over common sense. Would you prefer your child to be murdered or molested. According to this set of answers, the answer would be, murdered. Think again people.

    I am not criticising your question, just the thoughtless answers. Those that get involved in paedophilia on a personal level and not for money, are emotionally ill in my opinion, and many have been victims themselves. But extinguishing life has to be worse.

    What about those who physically abuse children, (not in a sexual way) kidnap them for adoption purposes, abort them? Where do they go in the pecking order?

  13. I would say it's paedophilia. A murderer may be able to give an explanation for their actions that others can understand or even empathise with. I don't think that could be said of a paedophile.

    EDIT: To michael; I am an english speaker and therefore do not use the american spellings (empathize/sympathize).

  14. Pedophile..... murder can happen in so many ways, and sometimes due to our amazing judicial system someone can be labeled as a murderer for something they didn't INTEND to do. You have to be pretty effing twisted to be a pedophile.  

  15. Well yes they're as bad as each other in a basic sense....but abusing children has to be the worse out of the two.

  16. Pedophilia is much worse - Because it hurts the children and ANYONE that hurts a child in that way  //  Should be killed on the spot , and I'll take the job when . When the job becomes open .  I think we should be putting more of the knuckleheads who do the really bad deeds to death and we should be doing it very fast , starting today

  17. Paedophile, anyone in a sense has the ability to commit murder just most don't act on it where it takes a really twisted person to abuse a child.  

  18. Pedophile first, murderer second and a pedophile/murderer needs to be killed right away, no jail no trial no thing, just torture and slow death.

  19. A paedophile is less accepted .

    I think a murderer once they have done their time they are usually integrated back into society ,where as a paedophile very often commits the same crime when released and can often turn to murder to silence the victim.

  20. I would have to say paedophiles. All life is precious and no one has the right to take someone else’s away but they do and for various reasons, the worse being premeditated. Murder will never be accepted as a lesser crime but has different implications.

    Children are more vulnerable and it's normal instinct to want to protect them and those that do survive are damaged for life and so it might as well be a death sentence. These sick individuals have no place in society and no matter how much the do-gooders want to paint the picture they are evil people and should never be allowed any human rights, they lost them the moment they defiled the innocent. I know what I would like to have done to them but I will refrain, let’s just say there torment should equal their victims.......

  21. No, Gadd and the other vile deviates must surely be worse. They terrify innocent children into allowing this filth to perpetrate all sorts of hideous crimes on them with threats to the child, the child's parents and close family. They leave these poor kids scarred for life and often unable to live anything like a normal life. Children who have suffered this have also been known to take their own lives as they cannot live with the very deep emotional scars that they are left with. Very often the paedophile will murder the children as can become the most thrilling part of the abuse.

    The word 'murder' covers a whole range of situations form emotions, jealousy, vice and an endless list of other reasons. It can be accidental, on the spur of the moment or pre-meditated. Murder can be defined in several ways. Murder is a hideous thing and leaves so much pain and sorrow behind it, but surely what paedos do is surely the worst crime. I do not say this lightly as so much pain is caused in both situations but children are our future and must be protected.

  22. Consider this, the Georgian President ordered the massacre of about 2000 women and children and our government hails him as a hero. Our David Millibank is over there now lying like crazy about it all. All in the name of that fiction "Democracy". When we all know that the Georgian elections were rigged by external forces.

    To be honest, Gary Glitter is much better than Michail Whats his name.

  23. Paedophilia is a thought crime.  It does not need to be acted on, and even if it is, many paedophiles are content with looking at pictures and would not dream of doing anything to harm a child directly - sexually, physically or emotionally.  They actually love children and are torn apart by this.  This is the way it should be.  We should not be poking our noses into one another's private demons, but simply preventing crimes and seeing that children can grow up happy and well-adjusted, and in every case it is the welfare of the child which must be paramount.  For both paedophile and non-paedophile alike.

    We only get splashed with the extreme cases where the need for gratifying urges take precedence over the welfare of the child. These handful of cases are used to stir up a hornet's nest of hate which is by definition hateful.

    With murder there is a body.  A life has been extinguished. There is no remedy or cure or treatment or hope or future for the victim.

    Now I still believe that the thought crime of paedophilia is less accepted in society than murder, and I'm afraid I have a very low opinion of this society which I tolerate just as much as I have to.  Given a choice I would want nothing more to do with it, but it is awfully lonely in the wilderness.

    The logical conclusion is therefore if you are to have s*x with a child, better to murder the child and dispose of the evidence, than to leave the child alive to tell the tale.  This was Ian Huntley's reasoning no doubt, and I blame society as much as I blame him.

  24. they should be the same but gut instinct is paedophile

    murderers end a life but paedophile destroy and also sometimes end a life

    they leave children with a lifetime sentence

  25. Molestation of children is clearly a vile crime, certainly as bad as other heinous s*x crimes such as rape.

    However the level of hysteria surrounding paedophilia in society is ridiculous, and some of the responses to this question reflect this.

    According to the law, if you download a picture of a 17 yr, 364 day old girl with her b***s out, you're a paedophile, and a child pornographer to boot. According to some of the replies here, this makes you worse than a murderer!

    Even where a paedophile actually molests a child - does anyone, with brain in gear, honestly think this is WORSE than MURDERING a child?

    I actually think this comes from the same attitude that says any sort of s*x and nudity in a movie automatically carries a R or NC-17 rating or whatever it is, whereas children can quite merrily watch people being punched, kicked, shot, stabbed and dismembered in a PG-13. The p***s is apparently mightier than the sword...

  26. Murder is less accepted in society.  

    If you're the victim of murder, you're dead.  

    If you're the victim of pedophilia, you can go on and put what happened behind you.  

  27. They are both guilty of abominable crimes but when children are involved the hatred is even more intense. When paedophiles kill children they are never forgiven, even by other violent  criminals.

  28. a murderer could be anyone. someone who has killed someone in self defence or in a car accident.  

  29. I think they are both as bad as each other.  People who abuse children are the lowest of the low, I don't believe even hanging is good enough for them, they should release them in a room full of mothers and fathers for just an hour, I can almost guarantee that that is the only way justice could ever be done!

    Murderers again, is there any lower to get?  To take anothers life to most of us is incomprehensible, but to do it (Ian Brady for example) and then get the headlines of a newspaper by saying he does not have enough money for cigarettes is degrading to the families who suffer the consequence of the loss.  How can someone who has killed someone be in prison learning languages, having access to TVs and socialising with others?  

    The whole justice system is a mockery to the victims - and the laws protecting such low life's are a mockery unto themselves, and an insult to innocent victims and families.


  30. Amazing provocative question! I believe paedophilia is less accepted by the masses. This is because the majority of people cannot imagine such a terrible act..and because a lot of people have children and definitlely don't want a child molestor in their neighborhood. Not to say they'd want a murderer either, but there are many times in which murder can be given a logical excuse or reason to. This could be self-defense, PTSD, revenge of rape or some other henious act, etc... I'm absolutely not condoning killing for any reason, it's just a more understandable act than paedophilia because children are so innocent and could never deserve such a fate. Plus everyone at some time says or thinks, "Oh I wanna kill ___." Not that most of us would ever follow through, but who do you know says "Oh I'd like to go show that kid a good time?" No one. I know that's a very hypothetical way to look at it, but people say one and not the other for a reason. It's incomprehensible for most of us.

    EDIT: I'm not saying that one is better than the other or that either is acceptable. Neither is in my opinion. Some people on here are getting really heated and condemning those who say paedophilia because they think it means we'd rather a child be murdered than molested (which I don't think anyone here meant). I'm simply answering the question of "what is more accepted by society."

  31. I think paedophiles are more dangerous compared to some (not all) murderers. Particularly because it is almost impossible to reform a paedophile.

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