
Which is less wasteful, using a paper plate or washing dishes?

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  1. Depends on what u have a shortage of.

  2. You believers should eat with your hands from the ground, to truly lower your carbon footprint, and forget about cooking anything, unless you can do it with the sun, and quit using electricity and talking cuz of the C02 factor.

  3. Completely filling your dishwasher before running it is less wasteful with a newer energy saving model.

  4. paper plates

  5. Washing dishes.

    Paper plate is made by paper. So when the paper is widely needed, the paper factories would have to cut down a lot trees or even the whole forest were missing. And the trees would be sent to the paper making factories and process in some ways.

    The advantage of paper plate is no need to wash and just throwing away. But the paper they threw away pollute the world. It causes the global warming. But, for your information, the paper plate could be recycled and more useful. Hope people would doing that.

  6. Washing dishes is less wasteful because it does not add to landfills.  Just make sure that you don't use too much water.

  7. Washing dishes is less wasteful.  Yes you will waste water and soap to wash the dishes but it is more cost effective than cutting down a tree to make the paper plate or even using recycle paper to make the paper place.

  8. yes i would have to agree with most of the people and say that it is more wasteful to use a paper plate becouse we have water. Plenty of it. I really doubt that we will ever run short of it but paper plates are very, very wasteful. We are not only messing up the soil becouse a lot of people ususally use them at picnics and just throw them on the ground therefore messing up our dear mother earth, lol, but also HELLO PEOPLE. we're definatly killing trees. And what sucks its not like we can even recycle paper plates.

    Wow this question made me really depressed. lmao.

  9. use rain water to wash up in then washing up would definitely be my answer.

  10. I would say washing dishes is less wasteful.  Just don't keep the water running the whole time.  Paper plates contribute to the landfill problem.  Even though washin dishes uses water, if you watch the amount of water you use, I do not think it's as wasteful as using paper plates, especially since you already have to wash yourcookware anyway.

  11. everybody keeps saying that you can recycle paper plates.  I've never lived in a city where you can recycle paper plates, especially with food on them.  Most recycling centers only accept cardboard and real paper, no cups, plates or napkins etc.  So my answer is washing dishes, especially a full load with an energy saver washer.

  12. Interesting question. I may have my husband put this one to his science class for discussion.  We wash our own dishes.

    You really cut back on the water IF you do the dishes as soon as they are used.  If you let them sit, it's musch harder and takes more effort and water to clean them.  Funny, my mother taught me that years ago!

  13. Really good question!!

    I'm at a loss for an answer.

  14. paper plate defo is more wasteful

    Also it is more eco friendly to use a full dish washer than to wash by hand

  15. using paper plates unless you go on a picnic.

  16. The most wasteful thing is washing paper plates.DUH!!!!!!!!!!@

  17. You end up saving A LOT more money with buying a set of dishes, plus you cut down on garbage and help save the enviornment.

  18. Paper plates aren't as bad a Styrofoam plates.  Plastic is bad too cuz it never decomposes.  Personally, I think the more you can reuse, the better.  "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle"


  19. paper plates decompose

  20. good question! I my self use paper plates becasue its easier to clean up and less water wasted and less soap wasted. BUT the only way that using paper plates would be less wasteful for the enviroment would be to recycle to paper plates after you use them. then it would be worth it.

  21. washing dishes is less wasteful. that is because if everyone threw out a paper plate then there would be a lot of waste and somehow water can be cleaned and used again

  22. I think provided that you wash a full load, using a paper plate is probably more wasteful once you take into consideration the fuel put into cutting down the tree and the manufacture of the plates plus the fact that most people won't recycle the plate, plus the good plates that don't leak liquids have a coating that make them unrecyclable.  But we don't have a dishwasher so we use more gas heating the water to do the in our case it might be a toss-up.

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