
Which is more Illegal, Uploading or Downloading Torrents?

by  |  earlier

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I believe that my buddy is unaware of what he is doing but, it would seem more illegal to host torrents rather then download them.




  1. People really frown more so on you uploading a file. Downloading is illegal they say...but it depends on the file. If a guy is posting a short film he made, by all means go ahead, but if its a free version of windows then watch out. Either way you can take a risk.

    No one is going to kick down your Door. They have bigger fish to fry.

  2. Both, and not only is it illegal it's a good way of spreading virus's and spyware, as well as downloading them onto your own computer.

    Meaning say your friend uploaded a song or game, if his computer was infected, that infection can be uploaded along with whatever he put on the torrent. Then who ever downloads it, can get the infection along with the game or song.

  3. Why would you think there is more or less.  It's illegal either way.  

  4. Each one carries different criminal penalties, and either one subjects you to a civil suit - which you *will* lose - big time.  House-remortgage big time.

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