
Which is more Impressive? Being a community organizer? Or a beauty Queen?

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This is the type of bashing Palin set her self up for when she tried to belittle Obama making a difference in communities for over 2 decades.

Obama did this before AND after he went to Havard.

NOTE: this is coming from a Obama supporter NOT the OBAMA campaign, so don't go generalizing...Just trying to make a point.




  1. David Duke was a great community organizer.  

  2. Yes, the gangbangers and thugs are now so highly organized that the Chicago Police Department wants the ability to carry machine guns in their patrol cars.

  3. Why don't you rise above the fray and resist being petty..or do you enjoy it too much? I think I like being a beauty queen better...

  4. Being a beauty queen is hardly more impressive than someone who has given their time to help others.  Sure Obaam is not the most experienced individual, but I believe what Palin said last night, she was only saying that to bash Obama.  The fact is that someone that has earned prestige as being a beauty queen would not compare to that of someone that gave back to the community.  And I believe it is more important because it shows how dedicated Obama is to his community and country. Can we say the same thing about Palin?  I don't think so.  

  5. Being a Community Organizer is much more impressive to me . But at the same time you know exactly what you are dealing with when you are dealing with these people on the internet!!!!

    Obama/Biden '08 !!!!!!!!!!  

  6. As a former beauty queen myself, I am so offended! It took A LOT of training to strut down the stage looking hot in a bathing suit and high heels!

    Tee hee I bet the people td'ing me down don't look as hot as me in a bathing suit...I should run for mayor of the trailer park!

  7. I say beauty queen. Anyone can be a community organizer. Very few can be a beauty queen, be super smart, hold elected office and win the nomination for VP over a group of not very good looking guys. I say good for her...

  8. barack actually did something to lift people up, empowering them to improve their lives over the long haul.

    palen gave her constituents back some tax money but neglected to build them a proper sewer or update their roads. that surplus should have been reinvested in her 'small town' community.

    besides, the contest is between barack and mccain. and for temperament and judgement, barack wins hands down.

  9. welllllllll......if Palin was running on a 'beauty queen' platform, instead of her executive experiences and responsibilities, then i'd have to go with community organizer.

    unfortunately for you, she's NOT.

  10. Beauty Queen that becomes a Governor impresses me more than a socialist empty shirt.

  11. Is being a beauty queen the only thing she has done?

    Is being a community organizer the only thing he has done?

    No- there is a much bigger picture and a life time for both of accomplishments and non-accomplishments to look at.  

  12. Obama is toast! Sarah Palin will run circles around him. She and her experience will put Obama to shame. Democrat for McCain/Palin 2008.

  13. Community organizer--a beauty pageant is for self-worth.

  14. Being a beauty queen with nude photos on the internet is mildly impressive but it still doesn't qualify Palin to take over as President should that become necessary.

  15. Let's just say anybody can be a community organizer but not everyone can win Miss Alaska.  That makes her accomplishment more impressive, in my opinion.  I know it's comparing apples to oranges, but you started it.

  16. I'd say being a mayor and a govenor beats a community organizer any day of the week.  The whole beauty queen deal is just icing on the cake.

  17. Either!  I wouldn't vote for a beauty queen or community organizer.  I am voting for the 2 people that have the most "qualified" experience for the important job of running our country.  And let me tell ya, it's not either of those things.  It is a man who risked HIS life for YOU to have the freedom to be writing on this post.  It is the man who spent years of his life defending our wonderful country.  It is the man who has worked hard to pass laws that benefit Americans.  And it is the woman that plans to join him.  The woman who defeated the odds and became mayor of a small town.  It's the woman who has put the financial interest of her state above gaining luxury.  It is the 2 people that understand the needs of American and what it is going to take to make a change.  THAT is what is impressive!    

  18. The most important quality an elected official can possess is the sincere desire to help those that vote for them. In order to help, you have to get to know them and the struggles in their lives. She seems more focused on helping herself than me and my neighbors.

  19. If you are talking Obama and Palin, I'll take the  beauty queen.

    (Palin, that is, in case you dont know which one I meant)

    ADD:  If Obama cant even reach his own supporters when he asks them to STFU, how is he going to reach the entire country

  20. i think your math needs some work. over 2 decades? the man is 46. read this site on his biography and you'll find out he served in that capacity for 3 years.

  21. Being a Mayor with real Responsibilities? and a Governor of a State

    But I guess you didn't catch that?

    Community Organizer has no Responsibility's?

    So What do you think the Difference IS?????

  22. beauty queens are harder to come by than mediocre community organizers...

  23. Now a governor is nothing more than a beauty queen?  Nice reach.

    How come the Obama campaign has yet to dig up a single person to come forward and say that they were helped by Obama's work in Chicago?

  24. Throughout our history, ordinary people have made good on America's promise by organizing for change from the bottom up. Community organizing is the foundation of the civil rights movement, the women's suffrage movement, labor rights, and the 40-hour workweek. And it's happening today in church basements and community centers and living rooms across America.

    Meanwhile, we still haven't gotten a single idea during the entire Republican convention about the economy and how to lift a middle class so harmed by the Bush-McCain policies.

  25. What does a "community organizer" do??????? No one seems to know all they do is generalize and most of the jobs described are handle by a social organization. I believe they get out the vote and make sure how you vote in Chicago anyway

  26. Well, that is not an accurate description.  Yes, she is a lovely woman and Obama aint't so bad himself- they are two good-looking people up there but comparing it that way isn't exact.

    Obama is good at bringing communities together but that is not exactly leading the communities in a direction.  People who are joining these groups are usually volunteering and not the " general public".

    Obama is good at what he does but not a leader, he doesn't have the time under his belt yet.

    I guess if you like Socialism- you would like Obama and Clinton I speak with relevance- coming from "n**i" Germany.  Many things you see the "democratic party doing Hitler did before taking office.  "Progressive" is another word for Socialist!

  27. In the case of Obama and Palin, I would have to say the beauty queen.

    Think about this for a moment:  All those people who Obama "helped" to register as a community organizer, had they votes for Obama's opponent in his first election thrown out because their registrations were incorrectly submitted.

    Big help, right?

    Sounds planned to me.

    BTW, why are you still admitting that your number 1 guy can only be compared to THEIR number 2 choice, to have any chance of looking good at all?

    Edit:  Real Patriot, bring on those links to nude photos.  Don't have them, do you?  That's because they don't exist.

    Hey!  Got any nude photos of Obama?

  28. Palin did more in 4 years then Obama did in his entire career.

  29. You know she said he was a community organizer as if it was a disease to want to make your community better.

    I had an open mind about her until last night. She seems quite angry. I am glad Obama and Biden have opted to have class but a part of me hopes Biden rips her to shreds in the debates. Like he said she never mentioned the middle class or the economy last night.

  30. Being a community organizer.

  31. Obama mentions his work as a community organizer when listing his qualifications.  Palin is not mentioning her time as a beauty queen in this context.  The two have no relation.

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