
Which is more accurate, MP5 or AK47?

by Guest59342  |  earlier

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Which is more accurate, MP5 or AK47?




  1. Neither. Both the MP5 and the AK are built for close combat and are not really known for accuracy. 100 yards or less is the key number for both of these. Both are great weapons and I own one of each but if you are looking to pluck a bird from 500 yards......Good Luck!

  2. mp5, the hk was never designed as an accurate weapon. it was to feed and fire. it was build sloppy to clear any dirt, dust, sand... or anything else out of the action and keep going.

  3. I have to say the MP5.

    We have several select fire MP5's with the short 6" barrel in 9mm.  Fur fun at the range we shoot a trash drum at 300 yards with it. A couple of my guys own semi AK's and get fewer hits on the same drum at 300. Our M4A1's outshoot both. The MP5 was not really designed for long range fire, it's handicapped by it's cartridge. The PSS and M24 rule the range but that is their job.

    It's a lot of fun shooting with the suppressor attached from a concealed location. On lookers are trying to see the magical being kicking the c**p out of that trash drum.... You know how hard it is to laugh and shoot at the same time.

  4. 90%+ of the guys saying the MP5 have probably never even shot  or seen one to know for sure.  The MP5 has  barrel lengths of 4.5 to 9 inches depending upon which type of the model you are speaking of. On top of the short barrels, it shoots a pistol caliber either 9mm (most common) or 10mm or .40S&W.  Pistols calibers out of short barrels are not accurate, it just doesn't work that way.

    Plenty of AK's out there too. 16 inches is typical barrel length although The Krinkovs and some of the AK pistols have much shorter barrels.  Also, the AK's fire an intermediate cartridge, bigger than pistol cartridges, so they travel faster and flater, which gives a higher potential for accuracy.  

    From my own experience, I have several AK's a Hungarian AMD-65 with 16 inches of barrel that can do 3" or better groups at 100 yards when I shoot off a bench.  My homebuilt Romanian models (2) can hold 4" or better.  My scoped Romanian SAR-2 will hold 2" or better depending upon what type of ammo I use.  The trick to getting an AK to shoot accurately is all in the ammo.  You can't shoot Wolf, Barnual, Golden Tiger or that stuff and expect great groups.  My AK's in 7.62x39 love South African surplus or Yugo surplus, both are not so common any more. My SAR-2 loves 1991 Bulgarian 5.45x39 surplus.

    The only time I shot a MP5A3, it was hard enough keeping the grouping on a 10" paper plate at 100 yards

  5. they are 2 totaly different beast,I have shot a ak47 alot ,and i have also shot a friends 9mm mp5 .The mp 5 is awesome at close range and feels balanced .its size and light recoil makes it petty easy to manuver and fun to shoot (i like to shoot it with the stock).But the short barrel and 9mm bullet gives it a limited range It`s more for close combat .the ak47 is more of a bulky gun ,i had a folding stock,and 30 rd clip on mine but i never liked it .it just had to much recoil to shot from a pistol grip .when using the pistol grip the gun was too heavy in the front .i went back to a full stock and just shouldered the gun .Its true this isn`t a sniper rifle .but the gun is dependable .And at 40 yards and beyond will out shoot the mp5 because of the longer barrel and the different caliber of the bullet(2,300ft per sec compared to the 1,300ft fer sec of the mp5). The mp5 is so tight everything is so precise there is no slop in the action ,my friend breaks his down after every trip to the range ,because he says it will jam if it gets dirty .(i have never seen it jam in over 400 shots).My ak47 i clean it once a year and shoot it alot ,i rarely jams and when it does its no big deal.If you can afford a mp5 get one they are alot of fun ,My friend gets a big reaction when he takes his out to the range everyone loves it.None cares about my ak47 ,there are just too many of them .

  6. In all seriousness neither..... These are basicaly 100 yards or less firearms.... The barrel is so short on the MP5 I would be inclined to think its hard to hit anything at 100 yards with it..... All I know is I can hit a 12 inch steel plate at 100 yards with an AK - Havent tried the MP5.... I'm inlined to think its just a short range submachine gun that works best at full auto...

  7. mp5. the 7.62x39 just isn't a accurate round

  8. This is kind of a loaded questions....sorry for the pun.  

    The AK-47 is almost always chambered in 7.62x39 where the MP5 has been chambered in 7mmx39, 9mm parabellum, 7.62x51,  and 5.56x45.  If you were firing the same cartridge in 7.62x39 the HK would be more accurate just due to machining tolerances.  The issue that I'm having a hard time with is barrel length.  I've never fired an MP5, but the AK47s are quite sloppy, so I'd still have to give it to the HK.  

    Hope this helps

  9. The MP5 is more accurate than an AK. Tighter tolerances in construction of the MP5 ensure better overall quality. There are exceptions to the rule though, a VEPR is a highly machined and accurised AK variant that will deliver pinpoint accuracy in the right hands.

  10. MP5

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