
Which is more accurate in determining the resistance value of a resistor? Color coding method or VOM?

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Which is more accurate in determining the resistance value of a resistor? Color coding method or VOM?




  1. Depends.

    If you have a typical VOM, it may be as much as 2-5% off.  A good one can be 1% or better. Or if you compare it to known high precision resistors, you can get readings of 0.1 or even 0.01%, if you know what you are doing.

    The color codes on the resistor are only as good as the accuracy band. If that is 10%, and the bands indicate that it is 1000 ohms, then all you can say is that it is between 900 and 1100 ohms.

    A 5% 1000 ohm resistor would be between 950 and 1050 ohms.

    A 1% 1000 ohm resistor would be between 990 and 1010 ohms.

    Bottom line: for normal 5% or 10% resistors, the VOM is probably more accurate. But if you get a lot of disagreements, find some 1% or 0.1% resistors to check your VOM with.


  2. your calabrated quality meter Micro ohm preferably to give a true 0

  3. VOM, because there is most likely a minor flaw in the materials used to create the resistor.  Most likely this flaw will be too small to detect, so the color bands method will be close enough to use for practical purposes.

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