
Which is more addictive.....?

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Myspace or Yahoo Q&A?




  1. YAHOO rules!!!! yahoo!!!

  2. well I would have to go with Yahoo but honestly I don't have a myspace don't really want one either I have facebook but I work so much its hard to keep up with that all the time

  3. y! answers

    It requires no devotion to it, I can come on anytime I want, its not time consuming, and I spend the most time here than anywhere else online, besides gaming and a handful of other forums.

    I joined Myspace quite sometime ago, but never had time to really spend there, maybe a hour at most at a time, and was too lazy to really go far into it.

    and y! answers pages load the best and never has problems on any of the computer I use. I used to hang around on youtube, but the past year my home internet has refused to completely load any of the pages from youtube for some unknown reason.

  4. a month ago, i would've said myspace w/o a doubt...i used to spend every bit of my free time on there, hours at a time, but just recently i got bored with new addiction is yahoo answers...i now spend hours on here...i think it is more rewarding because you actually get to help people, and you feel smart, especially when you get picked as best answer...i have a friend that is always giving me c**p for spending so much time on here and i tell her that this is my new

  5. yahoo

  6. myspace 4 sure

  7. well, lets see, i just spent about 30 minutes on myspace, now its time for some answers!!  it's a tie.

  8. yep myspace

  9. deffinetly Myspace!

  10. Q&A, FTW. I have a myspace that's been updated two times in as many years.

  11. I'm not so sure. I've had a myspace page for a few years but haven't used it much lately. I've been spending all of my sleepless nights here! --lol, when the urge for me to be nerdy is just so strong, there has to be somewhere to turn.

    Plus,  in answers I can earn points (,lord knows why)! and everyone gets a chance to be heard, which can be quite liberating.

  12. for me yahoo q&a mainly because i can get to it at work

    although no one ever says hi here

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