
Which is more annoying, when people speak in Acronyms or spell everything o-u-t?

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Which is more annoying, when people speak in Acronyms or spell everything o-u-t?




  1. OMGWTFBBQ, that is so a-n-n--o-y-i-ng it PO's me.

  2. FYI, I think people should stop speaking in acronyms ASAP or I'll get mad PDQ. I mean, WTF? LOL.

    I think the most annoying way of talking or typing is when you STRESS every fourth WORD or so as if your EYE bulges out of your HEAD uncontrollably.

  3. Neither really annoy me.

    The field I work in resides in acronym land, so I'm pretty used to that sort of thing.  Usually what the acronyms stand for don't make sense unless you're familiar with the subject, either, so it's not like we're deliberately trying to confuse the outside world or anything.  If other people are using acronyms I don't understand, I guess I tend to feel like it won't help my understanding much even if I knew what they mean based on this experience.

    I have to spell all sorts of things in front of my dog to keep her calmed down and able to be caught first. . . so, again, this doesn't bother me.

  4. I don't mind acronyms to save time - when they are well known.  But frankly - this new language that kids are using is detrimental, I believe.  I can generally tell the age group in here based upon their command of the english language - and none are more evident than the teens and early twenties that use their abbreviated languages.  Sadly - their spelling was bad enough as it was - now they don't even bother trying.....

    Yes - I'm sure this makes me sound old.  But I don't really care - I think that the ability to write is a thing that people should take seriously.

  5. Get serious.. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, the former. That's why we have language[s].

  6. Ugh, both.  Most people only spell things out when they don't want their kids to know what they're talking about, so I don't hear it that often.  I would say Acronyms, especially the obscure ones that only that person and maybe two other people on the planet knows!

  7. idrc. NEITHER is ANNOYING to me, ofc. :-D

    * Edited.

  8. Speak or type?

    I don't mind brb, gtg, lol or whatever when typing. But some people have started saying them in everyday speaking - "omg!"

    And I don't like the new breed of idk, rflmao - whatever nonsense they're coming up with. It's like the middle/high school kids don't get it that it was supposed to save time and energy not be an acronym-guessing contest.

    I do think it's funny that A.S.A.P. has turned into asap (pronounced A - sap).  

    So, like most things, in moderation it's fine.  or  s,lmt,imif.

  9. Acronyms. I understand they're necessary when texting, but otherwise it's very annoying.

  10. If it's a common acronym it doesn't bother me at all when someone uses it. i.e FBI

    It is annoying when someone spells out a common acronym though. i.e Federal Bureau of Investigation

  11. Acronyms. The only reason people usually spell things out is so they can communicate without the toddler or the dog understanding.

    What I really can't stand is people using "text messaging" acronyms anywhere but on their mobile devices.

    If I see a question that employs "text speak," I automatically discount the questioner as a shallow idiot or a kid.

  12. It really bothers me when people use improper grammar.

    Uthr then thaat i rilly dunt carre.

  13. W H A T ?

    W H I S K E Y    W I L L    B E    M Y   S A F E   W O R D.

    So I don't get deleted: I hate acronyms because I never know what they mean.

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