
Which is more conservative?

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using paper plates every night or running the dishwasher every night




  1. Let your dog l**k your dishes after you're done eating.

    Then wash them by hand.

  2. while running the dishwasher is more expensive, Using paper plates is less eco-friendly. I say you have 6 in one hand and 1/2 dozen in the other.

  3. Running the dishwater every night. Disposables create more problem. the problem of production and problems of disposals too.

  4. both suck. Try harder.

  5. The real answer to this lies in where you are.  If you are in an area where there is a lot of water nearby (requiring less pumping) and landfill space is at a premium or you're a long distance from a recycling facility, then the dishwasher is the better choice.  If you live in an arid area where water is at a premium and there's lots of room for landfill, then paper plates might be the better alternative, especially if you use the time saved in clean up on some eco-friendly activity.

    BTW, the same rationale holds true for disposable vs cloth diapers.  There have been studies that show the total energy consumption/eco-footprint of these choices are pretty much a wash, although I'm unable to cite a source directly (sorry about that).

  6. running the dishwasher.  they have a point on the Yahoo! plan for conserving energy about how it is safer to use reusable silverware and plates then disposable ones.

  7. Good one. It depends how many plates you use, I believe. If you somehow manage to fill the dishwasher every night, go for the dishwasher, because that would be a package of paper plates a day.

    But if you only use about three or four plates, you might as well go for the paper plates.

  8. It depends.

    Washing dishes of a usual amount, running the dishwasher is more conservative (because paper comes from trees).

  9. Why not just do the washing-up by hand...?  No electricity, just a few litres of hot water, a few litres of rinsing water, a few drops of detergent, no noise, no fuss.  Especially if it's only a couple of plates.

    Paper plates not only need resources to make them, but they have to go into land-fill after use -- no excuse for such waste and laziness!  Dishwasher has to be better, if too lazy to wash up -- and of course you're making sure it's full before running it.

    (I don't think you meant "conservative" -- that's a political position, not an ecological one.  Conservation, not conservatism...  "What's better conservation", or "which is greener" would have covered it.)

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