
Which is more dangerous for London Biker-(Bendy)Bus or Black Cab?

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I always read about dangerous buses, but black cabs are the worst, caused me to crash, crash into them. Pull out without indicating, U-turn without indicating, they are a law unto themselves!




  1. Black cab the drivers are idiots!

  2. You forgot the always-dangerous "white van!"

  3. Black cab Kamikazes !

  4. It must be black cabs. Buses are going a set route and neither u-turn randomly or slam on their brakes for no good reason.

    But cylcists are by far the biggest threat to themselves. When a vehicle is slowing down for a hazard don't nip through the gap on the inside it's asking for trouble. Also red lights and zebra crossings apply to cylcists too, why do they think they are above the law?

  5. Neither. 4x4s are worse, or rather the idiots that drive them are, particularly the mothers on the school run chatting away on their phones about their coffee mornings and little Tarquin's prep instead of concentrating on the road ahead.

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