
Which is more deadlier - an 8foot tall upright walking,talking Frog or a... ?

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...giant bat with a wing span of 1 2 metres and teeth hard/sharp enough to tuck into the inner juicy regions of a human cranium ?

ooo actualy wait, let me make BEST use of this 'details' section and expand the question, so ANSWER this instead ! :-D

You're on a rope-plank bridge (like the one Harrison Ford was on in Indian Jones, holding that sword...)

The 8foot tall frog starts making his way towards you from the right....on the left, the big bat starts hovering towards you. Ah and you have no sword, do you

a) run towards the Frog (to save yourself from the bat)

b) run towards the Bat (to save yourself from the frog)

c) neither - jump off the bridge and take your chances in the crocadile infested waters below

d) stand there and wet your pants


would LOVE to hear from you all on this.




  1. it depends.. some bats like fruit bats dont harm anything but fruit or it could be a vampire which would suck my blood.. and some frogs eat anything. even some of their own species or they can be the ones who just eat bugs and stuff.. i would stand there and wet my pants because i wouldnt know where to run.. =)

  2. Wow you are really bored aren't you? lol...So am I.  Well if it is a 8ft tall, walking, talking frog..then I would think it is more intelligent...thus more deadly. Maybe I would get lucky and as they charged me from either direction I would slide down the ladder a bit, and let them run into eachother, maybe they would knock eachother out. Or as a second option.. guess I would go towards the frog (with the bat close behind)..When I got near the frog, and he tried to take a swing @ me..I would duck, and let the bat have it...& in the bats dizziness I would jump on its back, and ride it to the top of the mountain, jump off, & find some sort of weapon...and  then fight for my life..hopefully there would be a gun up there or something..otherwise I would be fuc**d. lol.  Wow I AM really bored. haha hoped you liked my scenarios.

  3. *yawn*

    Also, you might want to skim through an English book one of these days.

  4. I'd run for the frog and kiss it. It might turn into a handsome prince.

  5. those pills are awfully strong you know..

  6. I'd whistle, and my 6 foot tall horny Hamster would leap out of the trees and fook them both.  

  7. i personaly would run towards the frog. if its a talkingf frog like you say, it would be much easier to make friends with the frog, and turn it against the bat to save my life. however, we would probli all die anyway,because im guessing they r v. heavy with there size and all, and the rope bridge isnt that strong, so we would all have to topple to the crocs, and put up with there terrible jokes for the next 70 years. the bat wouldnt fly away because the frog (bein clever and all) would jump on top of it to try and fly away 2, but would end up in fact crushing the bats wings. i would then jump on top of them so they may break my fall. THE END :D

  8. I wouldnt WET my pants... Something along the lines of soiling myself in that situation really.

  9. I... I would seriously pay money to watch a giant bat vs. giant frog fight.

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