
Which is more effective against bacteria, hand sanitizers or soap?

by Guest66486  |  earlier

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can someone please help me answer this its for a homework assignment...And can you list your source.Thank You...




  1. Soap and water and use it often.Source? Common sense.Hand sanitizers have to be produced and go thru several process before being bottled.Each step would have to be clean for you to get bacteria free cleanser and I pretty much doubt that it would be.They have their purpose but for real cleaning soap and water every time.

  2. Soap and water for sure.  This involves a mechanical removal of bacteria.

    Hand sanitisers rely on alcohol killing the bacteria.  This works for many, but not for Clostridium difficile, the latest superbug causing much trouble in British hospitals.

  3. Hand sanitizers. That's why they use them in hospitals . . .

  4. soap and washing with water

  5. Did a handwashing experiment in Microbiology doing plates of before and after handwashing with both soap & water and hand sanitizer.  The soap & water plate significantly decreased the number of colonies, including spores, and left only the normal, healthy bacteria that you are supposed to have.

    The hand sanitizer killed the normal healthy bacteria but afterwards there were nasty spores and yeasty-looking things that took over because the natural bacteria weren't there to fight them.  

    The soap is better, and just the running water itself helps to dislodge things that shouldn't be there.

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