
Which is more effective in killing germs?

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alcohol or hydrogen peroxide?




  1. On a surface, peroxide.  I have some 50% H2O2 in my lab that would eat your skin right off the bone and is far too concentrated for any organism to handle.  But alcohol is sufficient for killing germs on wounds because it does the job and doesn't form bubbles of oxygen, or destroy tissue.

  2. Alcohol, as if it matters.

    Killing germs is not the goal many think it is. For instance, in a fresh open wound, the goal is to limit the risk of infection. Water will generally do a good job of getting the colony count in the wound below the threshold at which infection is likely. Using either alcohol or hydrogen peroxide will kill germs, it's true, but they'll also kill fibroblasts, leukocytes, and a host of other things, thereby INCREASING the time to healing and risk of infection compared to simple irrigation.

  3. alcohol definitely

  4. Many types of bacteria have what are called peroxosomes, which are parts of their cells called organelles. The peroxosomes have enzymes that break down H2O2 so that it becomes less toxic to them. Alcohol on the other hand causes water inside the bacterium's cell to diffuse out (osmosis) causing the bacterium to shrivel and die. Alcohol is MUCH more effective.

  5. im not for sure. but im pretty sure they both work all most the same. sorry  not much help


  6. alcohol will kill more germs on many surfaces.  hydrogen peroxide does well on small scrapes but should not be used on deep cuts for the danger of getting bubbles in the blood stream.  alcohol certainly hurts more on cuts, but will kill almost any germs.  for a cut or scrape, a good scrubbing with anti-bacterial soap and water followed by neosporin or tripple antibiotic ointment on a bandage works best for me.

  7. Alcohol is more effective at killing germs.

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