
Which is more effective & safe????

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1. Norton internet security (Symantec) or avast antivirus????

2. Internet explorer or firefox web browser????




  1. Norton int. security is very gud bt it is a commercial product...i've heard great reviews about avast and it scan during boot process also bt never used it.

    i'd recommend AVG 8, i've used it n it is really gud.

    Firefox is and secure bt IE7 is also not as good as firefox

    You can use both browser together bcoz sometimes there are some applications on internet which require a particular browser.

    bt remember if u want to use both then use internet explorer 7 (IE7) and Mozilla firefox 3 as they are the latest

  2. Free anitvirus is about the same as purchased software I have had AVG catch viruses Norten missed and vis versa. I would stick with Norton if you have payed for it but if it is no longer updating and you need an antivirus install AVG. As for web browsing i would recommend firefox it gets updates out faster then microsoft does for Internet Explorer so that mean there is less time you will be surfing the web unpatched.

    Good Luck hope this helps  

  3. You may be having a virus or spyware installed on your PC. Norton, AVG , Avast are free antivirus software. Ad-aware, Ewido are free spyware removers. You can download free softwares at and . You can also run a free registry scan using utilities from

  4. I would recommend just about anything over Norton.  Every computer I've worked on that had a Norton product on it was super slow.  I use AVG Free and like it a lot.

    Firefox is the safer browser.

    You can't really uninstall IE.  You can get rid of the shortcuts from the desktop and start menu, but it's integrated into Windows.

  5. The Antivirus software which you bought for price is most effective and safe. Free antivirus is not adviseable.

  6. Internet Security Suites include a firewall, anti-virus and other products,to keep ur pc safe, u can try Kaspersky-Internet-Security if u are willing to pay

    Anyway, hope these info is useful

    Good luck :)

  7. 1. anything but norton, is avast the free one? avg-free is great

    2. firefox is WAY more secure and faster.

  8. avast has decent overall malware detection, but poor proactive protection and an awkward interface.

    Norton(recomnded) is a solid program wins top marks for antivirus detection and cleanup, but its renewal and support costs are high.

    coming to browser...obviously mozilla is the best in terms of security and performance...

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