
Which is more fuel efficent - the shorter distance or shorter time?

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I'm starting school and want to know the best way to drive to campus, while saving gas. According to mapquest the highway takes 21 mins. and 14.77 miles. The other way is much more direct and takes 27 mins. and 12.67 miles. I already know how to get to campus both ways but I'm wondering which would be fuel efficent? The second way has a speed limit of 50 and very few stop signs whereas the freeway I'd go about 65. I'm also a new driver so I think I will feel more comfortable, at least for the first month or so, driving the second way. I'm going to go both ways and see which I like more in the next day or so since it's welcome weekend but I'd like others advice as well. Thanks!




  1. drive one way for a week, then try the other. then stick to the one that's more fuel efficient

  2. idk

  3. I believe the answer would be the Highway as the 50mph speed limit is far more efficient in most vehicles than 60.  There may be more stop lights and more time involved but your engine is running much slower and more efficiently than on the freeway.  This assumes your engine is not racing and working hard at those stoplights which means you are probably drag racing.

  4. Too many variables including the type of vehicle and most importantly, how you drive and maintain your vehicle.

    Try each route for a week each and then record you fuel consumption to find out which works best for you.

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