
Which is more harmful, and which is more helpful?

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To give someone a government handout their entire life to where not only they but their children and their children's children become hopeless government-dependant addicts, to the point where their only "income" is the next government check.....

Or to say to that person, you're on your own, pull your own weight, earn your way in this life yourself, and the money you earn, you keep?

Which is more harmful, and which is more helpful?

Shackles or Freedom?




  1. Tell me something buckaroo.  How may people do you know that have been on government assistance their full lives, other than the disabled?  Beleive it or not, and you won't, a lot of kids growing up in welfare homes see the difference in other families and vow to not live like their parents.  All people on welfare are not lazy and useless.  But, just go ahead and bash folks without knowing their situation and get pissed off becasue some of your precious tax dollars go to feed hungry children while applauding corporate welfare.

  2. Government assistance hurts us all. To me it says "hey educated people that spent tons of time, money and energy to get that high paying degree, you have to pay for everyone else that didn't succeed in life so that they can be well off and life can be "fair"."

    That's completely and utter BS!

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