
Which is more harmful marijuana or cigarettes?

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Which is more harmful marijuana or cigarettes?




  1. cigarettes duh weed is made out to look harmful by government propaganda

  2. Cigarettes are very harmful. Marijuana isn't too harmful at all.


  4. actually probably cigarettes, but im sure marijuana isnt that far behind.

  5. ciggarettes r pointless..ive smoked marijuana but never touched a ciggy..u dont get nething from them

    get high and flyyy

  6. marijuana IS TOO harmful. it contains chemicals that cause cancer and it definately has negative health effects.

    pot may be naturally ocurring, but what is actually sold on the streets is not natural. its laced with different chemicals and other things before you buy it....

  7. marijuana is refered to as having 420 different chemicals in it but at least they are naturally occurring. in cigarettes they manipulate the whole process of the tobacco adding harmfull chemicals to it like ammonia that are supposed to help draw out the addictive nicotine. god created pot and it was good. man created cigarettes and they were evil.-blurey

  8. Cigarettes.  Anybody who says marijuana is harmful is flat-out dead wrong.

    And, for the record, I don't smoke marijuana and I do smoke cigarettes.  Cigarettes are still more harmful.

  9. cigs

  10. Marijuana, unless you're into excuse making.

  11. BOTH

  12. cigs, but marjuana has a lot of tar in it and stuff so if you pick it over cigs just make it a every once in a while thing like once every month or 2

  13. marijuana is not harmfull


  15. That depends on how you smoke the pot. If you use a bong, pot is less harmful but if you smoke it in joints, you are getting more c**p in your lungs so it's more harmful. Cigarettes have filters so you get less junk in your lungs.

    If you can't use a bong, use a pipe and you will still filter out more of the tars and resins.  

  16. cigarettes.

    maryjane isnt harmful. well... they say it kills brain cells... so i guess thats not really healthy.. but still.

    cigarettes mess up your lungs and give you lung cancer.

  17. cigarettes!!

    marijuana is a natrual plant

    cigarettes are man made with more chemicals

    Both will get you addicted but the f**s will kill you quicker

    also if your going to destroy your body you might as well do it to get something... like, you'll get high of the pot but what will cigarettes do?

    if you feel like stinking of smoke and chicks being afraid to kiss you then go for the ciggies. if you want an awesome experience (for roughly the same cost) go for pot. it takes away the pain.

    have fun mate ;D

  18. I am sure they are both harmful. If you don't use either one, you won't have to be concerned about it

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